Getting Really Good at Finding Owners

All About yjudge

Yolanda Judge
New Jersey
About Me: 

Hi, I am a licensed real estate agent and with an excitement for real estate investing. I have been around real estate investing all my life. My focus has always been abandoned and vacant houses.

I am able to find owners and make deals. I'm trying to get pass all of the real estate agent duties and work mainly as a real estate investor.

My biggest challenge is getting on the inside of the bank. I have a number of properties that are owned by the banks that are vacant. Some of them have been vacant for over 10 years.

I have the TALD program and I'm working on through it. My sister purchased it many moons ago. This program is great because it teaches exactly what I do. I have to think differently about getting my deals signed up.

I'm also looking to learn how to get more deals without having to do short sales. Anyone getting past the gatekeepers and contacting the persons who can make a decision about selling an abandoned house that is costing the owner tons of money, please reach out. This is my biggest stumbling block.

I look forward to learning and contributing with the DG Family.

Yolanda Judge

Real Estate Investing of Vacant Houses, Wholesaling

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Basic Info

Real Estate Agent
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One
