
All About teetersmom2

teetersmom2's picture
Dawn Teeters
Birmingham, AL
Do-it-yourself stuff from plumbing to electrical to making cool stuff.

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House Cleaner
Have Child(ren)
Some College

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Mainly Just This One


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teetersmom2's picture

I was really hoping my husband would work with me on this. He has quite a bit of real estate experience. One problem, he's been jaded from a failed real estate developer experience....actually two of them. He tried commercial real estate development with a friend in Mississippi but after the hurricane and then the real estate bubble burst, it all tanked. Then he tried residential real estate and the guy he was working with took advantage of him and didn't pay what they agreed to. Now he thinks real estate is a lost cause. I really don't think I can do this on my own. I'm such a rule follower. I'm the personality type that doesn't want to advertise something I don't really own. I know it's odd but that's just me. I'm also an info person. I tend to soak up lots of info and then just can't quite make the leap to take action. But at this point I really have to. My husband and I are in our late 30's going nowhere. I love real estate and everything about it, even the paper work. So I know I've got to make this work somehow. Thanks so much for all the free info you give on the website. It's extremely generous and I believe necessary if people like me are going to get started.
Thanks again,

Aloha & Mahalo.......THIRD TIME IS A CHARM...Tell Him!

JJD's picture


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May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a vast array of information at your disposal on this site.
Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available.
It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well.
Thanks For Coming Aboard!


Welcome Dawn

sistreat's picture

Glad to have you aboard. I know you will make many real estate friends here who will help you in your real estate journey. I will be looking forward to reading about your first deal. All my best to you.

Goodmorning Dawn

steve guy's picture

I saw your post on John's guestbook and thought I give you a shout. I am an AL DGer and live in Bluff Park/Vestavia. I joined in Sept 2010 and although I havent done a deal yet, I feel like Im getting closer. I agree with you that it is a little scary to pull the trigger, BUT what do we have to lose? Thomas Edison tried a thousand times to make the light bulb before he succeeded, and when people asked him how he felt about his 1000 failures, Edison said, "I did not fail, I just found 1000 ways not to be a light bulb". hehe Anyway, I hope things are going good with you and I hope your hubby is more supportive. Just remind him that he didnt fail, he just learned some good lessons that could very well benefit you guys. I have a great Agent/Broker and am looking at two homes on 119 that appear to be under priced. I just need to find some serious long term investors to get me started. Ill keep you up to date, and look forward to meeting you guys. A year from now we will be celebrating over the success we had in 2011. Chin up girl.


Hi Dawn

I live in Alabaster just getting started.looking to net work with local investors maybe partner up I over 20 yrs in construction and a lot of time. would like to here from you.

Hey guys

Lex Templar's picture

I'm new to the site and wanted to say hello since I'm brand new to the family. I hope your husband is now helping you and on board. If not, then I hope that you're succeeding in real estate.