I want to earn passive income!!!

All About tanannis

tanannis's picture
New York
About Me: 

Hello! I am not a smart person, but I am willing to learn anything that can help me to earn over $10,000 passive income every month. My family is my motivation, even though they never believe in me, but I believe in myself. I am very excited when I got Dean's book and this website. Now I want to meet friends who will support me, believe in me, and help me to reach my goal. And I hope I will be able to help you guys too ^.^

Real Estate, Fashion, Music, Yummy Food!

Topics I've Participated In

Is the "Free Website" provided by Dean really Free? tanannis439 years 7 weeks ago
My Fears tanannis115 years 21 weeks ago

Basic Info

P/T Administrative Assistant, and evening school student
In College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Hi Annis

John A's picture

Welcome to the family of DG! I'm not too far away from you so if you ever need any assistant don't hesitate to ask me. We help each other out here so your in the right place. I hope you succeed with REI rapidly Smiling

John A.

Just wanted to stop and say

SpencersInvesting's picture

Just wanted to stop and say Hi. My names will I'm not a smart person either but hopefully we can both learn insightful information and meet new friends on this sight to help us pursue our goals!!
best of luck to you!!

Hi Annis

John A's picture

Just touching base to see how you doing with REI. Send me a PM so I can help you out better if you want to make quick cash right now.

John A.