
All About shanm78


Topics I've Participated In

FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 44 weeks ago
Please help me with your valuable suggestions shanm78014 years 24 weeks ago

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Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Welcome Shan

sistreat's picture

Glad to have you as a member here on Deans board. We are all like one big family here. We help each other with our RE problems and cheer each other on. I have done lots of cash deals since I started. It is pretty simple once you get the hand of it. Just read everything you can here on the board and ask questions to the members who have been here a while and the one who have done lots of deals. You will learn quickly from them. That is what I did in the beginning is ask lot of questions and read everything. All my best to you.

Aloha & Mahalo!

JJD's picture

Hello and Welcome to the DG Community!
May You have Great Success on your Journey! You will find a variety of free resources at your disposal on my profile page.
Most of your questions can also be answered by researching in some of the Forums, Posts, and other links available. It would also be to your advantage to complete your profile to it's fullest as well as creating your own personal journal such as my example on my profile page.
You may also spark your Local Real Estate Investors to partner up with you.