Achieving The Extra Ordinary !

All About sareena

sareena's picture
Sareena Saulter
About Me: 

Hello everyone my name is Sareena a 40yr old single mom, I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren and one on the way so im a very proud grandmother and mother.I'm a person that takes life one day at a time and try to not let anyone steal my joy.I'm very excited of the point that we have choices in life and choosing Deans program was one i made.I really enjoy helping others and family is very important to me.I've experienced doing several other businesses and i'm always open to learn whatever else i need to to be successful in my endeavors.

I love helping people to save and make money,baskets,cooking,decorating and reading a good book and curling up and watching a good movie.

Topics I've Participated In

What Is Owner Financing Anitarny1248 years 10 weeks ago
Operation Free Equals Goodwill Shan11581111 years 29 weeks ago
Sole Proprietorship or LLC? Rina6812 years 11 weeks ago
Buyers LIST for YOUR AND/OR ASSIGNMENT DEALS Build_assets6714 years 22 weeks ago
Help Found A Motivated Seller With 3 Homes sareena315 years 2 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
Some High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Getting Familiar

sareena's picture

I just wanted to say hello to everyone and thank everyone for there input it is trully a blessing to be a part of such knowledgeable people. I'm new so i will be asking many questions. I'm just one that when i do something i want to do it right.

Getting Familiar

sareena's picture

I'm sorry i just wanted to say if anyone have any suggestions that can help a beginner who has no money, bad credit etc.. my eyes and ears are allways open to anything you all can help me with were shoul i start so i can get rid of the butterflies.

Thank You
Ms.Anxious To Succeed!!!!