
All About rwgeer

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Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #208 - Help the Victims of Hurricane Sandy dgadmin100111 years 1 week ago

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Hurricane Sandy <3...** :-) ** <3

rwgeer's picture

My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by hurricane sandy <3...
Our Prayers have been and will continue to be with our friends on the East coast. I hope that they are all safe and can soon get there lives back on track. An Idea maybe to find housing for some of these people that need help! Smiling <3**
Guardian Angels are in your realm to protect and guide and watch over you. We can not know why these things happen but they do. Just acknowledge the Lord your God or the Master of the universe that you believe in. <3 ** Smiling ** <3 whising you all the Best Only wish I was able to be their too Lend a Helping ** H a n d ** <3.... Smiling Peace be with you always !