
All About pw5082

About Me: 

Hi to all!! My story is I filed bankruptcy after being scammed on a business venture, and eventually my house was foreclosed so my credit is shot. I am currently living paycheck to paycheck and barely making it month to month. I have always been interested in RE investing but "gunshy" not trusting too many people on tv, but when I saw Dean's infomercial - he just seemed so sincere and actually wants to help people succeed, I bought his two books. Just got them last week. I am totally excited about this...totally!!!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!! My goal is to make enough money to pay cash for my own home after a few wholesale/etc., and if it is God's will, this will be accomplished in a short period of time.

Learning about God's kingdom for he is my Lord and Savior!!

Topics I've Participated In

assigning a deal D-HI6309 years 50 weeks ago
Is this wholesale material? pw5082515 years 35 weeks ago
Is this wholesale material? pw5082015 years 35 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One
