
All About ourfurture

LaQuisha Cain
Boonville, Missouri
About Me: 

My name is LaQuisha Cain. My husband and I are realestate investors. We live in New Franklin, Missouri. I want to invest all across the US. I am looking for any and all information on assignment of contracts.

I like bowling, going to movies, and traveling.

Topics I've Participated In

LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 16 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #221 - Another Level of Inspiration dgadmin9711 years 49 weeks ago
Closed my 3rd Deal JB Holdings3212 years 3 weeks ago
Wholesaler Needs Deals ourfurture112 years 7 weeks ago
Private Money ourfurture012 years 23 weeks ago

Basic Info

No Children
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


your emails

laurajohnson's picture

you have sent me several emails, but you are not set up so that I can reply to them. You really should complete your profile and provide more info!

I will set up my profile and

I will set up my profile and provide information about me so you can reply.

La Quisha, I cannot respond to you!

Tina1's picture

Please set-up your PM so I can respond to you. Need to send you the info you asked for on the 5-10 yr hold w/ passive income.


Looking for investors

broughtandsold's picture

I received your reply to my ad. I am sure that we can work together but I would need some more information regarding on what properties you are looking for and what exactly would you want from me as the Real Estate Agent to do for you.

What you can do for me as an

What you can do for me as an agent is let me know where the "hot spots" are. Where are most of the investors active? What part of town or what zip code in the metro area are all the investors making all of the money? Could you send me a list of "start homes", "vacant", and "as is" and ones that had a price reduction.



3 Properties to start up