Joined: 2011-08-03
Points: 85

John Freels
Coolidge AZ
About Me:
I am a 76 year ol' Far!. Just living on SS and a very little investment income. Since the voters have not taken the advise of " Politicians and Diapers need changing often --- for the same reason" and we have had no increase in SS in 3 years, I have to look at something to help with 'survival' income. This seems to be it.
My hobby is Scroll Saw art which I do as a fund raiser for the Arizona Lions Clubs Handicapped Camp. Over the past few years I have been able to give them over $34,000.00 but this recession has slowed down 'donations' severely.
We will just keep plugging.
Actually my original intent for Real Estate Investing was to help in my fund raising, but now, economically I need to supplement myself.
Scroll Sae Art, Fishing, Sleeping