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Nancy Winner

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How to offer for this property? NY119 years 51 weeks ago

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How To Offer for This Properties Package

Hi there, hope everybody is doing well.

I joined Dean in 2011 for the Edge, spent $20K almost, but since I was staying home single mom and I faced a financing issue and couldn't get mortgage to finance my offers. I quit, and I was very regret to miss the big uptrend. Now I started looking again.

I found this lady in her 67 of age, she has a few properties and wants to get rid off

One is a 5 units bought in 2003 for $350K, loan on it $402K, rental income $6500/month, property tax $9K, 6.25% interest paying $2527/month, other misc expenses $500/month, she wants to sell for $1 million, but she doesn't want to pay capital gain, how should I work a deal with her?

By the way, I am in San Diego, anyone wants to team up with me?

Thank you so much!