
All About MikeL57

Michael Layman
Western NC.
About Me: 

Hello Investors

About two months ago I was looking on Craig's list for houses to rent. I saw this house for rent or sale. The asking price was 23,900 and it was taxed at 37,000 It needed some work small roof repair and some cosmetic work.
I was shocked. I had no idea that you could buy a house for that today.

I'm on disability. Basically from working like a dog all my life in poor working conditions.

I figured If I could buy a house like that and have a mortgage payment of 300 a month I would be much better than I am now.

Not having credit and little or no money to put down I figured it was a long shot. I was racking my brain day and night thinking of how I could make it work.
That's when I saw Dean on an infomercial.

No Money Down? Bad or No Credit? Any one Can Do It!!!

Well I am not much of one for reading books. I just don't like to read for the most part. But I thought I would give it a try. It looked like my only chance of owning a house. In turn being somewhat in control over my rent/mortgage payment. Or at least assuring it stays the same for years to come. That alone would relieve a great deal of stress in to days economy.
I can eat a week on $29. But I figured I'd take a chance. So I ordered the book. I just wanted to buy a house, I was not concerned about making money in real estate.
The book came and I found it hard to get motivated to sit and read it. I just don't like to read. On the computer I do a bit better but not much. A book hardly never.
I had to tell myself a few times you spent a weeks worth of food money on that thing. NOW READ IT!!!!. Finally I convinced myself to sit and read three chapters. I knew I was not going to get anything out of it through Osmosis. Not even if I slept with it under my pillow.

So I got all my excuses out of the way. cleaned the house, cut the grass, did the laundry,, etc. So I decided I might as well go ahead and see what Dean had to say.
I got half way through the book before I put it down. I had to my eyes were Too tired and I was having trouble processing all the information I just loaded into my simple mind.

Well To make a long story short. I still want to buy my first house. But I believe I can make some real money here, and get off S.S. all together. I don't know if I will ever make a million dollars at this. I still have some health issues that will hold me back at times. But I can change my life and the lives of people close to me, Drastically!!! By using Dean's methods of making money in real estate.

To me that is a great blessing.

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Two Questions MikeL571215 years 34 weeks ago

Basic Info

Disabled, Wood Worker
Have Child(ren)
Some College
