
All About MarioSantos

Mario P A Santos
Miami Beach, FL
About Me: 

Retired after working for over 40 years in the IT industry, and decided to enter in the RE investors world, since I've always sort of attached to it (I like RE). Created a company (Trevo, LLC) under the advice of Dean Graziosi team's, and joined his Inner Circle to be able to set my feet in proper ground thru professional mentoring.

Topics I've Participated In

Weekly Wisdom #254 - Leopards Changing Spots dgadmin4749 years 12 weeks ago
Weekly Wisdom #335 - Do You Want My Personal iPad? dgadmin23339 years 19 weeks ago

Basic Info

retired, running my LLC company
Have Child(ren)
Completed Post Graduate

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Weekly Wisdom #335

Biggest obstacle: first actual step into execution.

I mean, really start walking the talk.

One thing is to learn by studying, listening to videos, or talking to people to tell you what to do. Another thing completely different, maybe for most of the people, is really step outside alone, give the cheek to be slapped, and start doing.

Being able to start being side by side could make the difference. Mentoring just by 'talking' can be ineffective.