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Assigning question benbeka4428 years 2 weeks ago
Florida bird-dog wanted johndrj2811 years 28 weeks ago
Watch for those Great Deals on Boomerang Homes! Indiana-Joe1811 years 38 weeks ago
Houston Tx- Real estate newbie- Looking for a mentor Pkieliszewska113 years 33 weeks ago

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just a newbe ? can you please help

first of all a tiny disclamer Smiling i have dislexia so please ecxuse any spelling errors i cant help them. i am hoping that you might be able to help me out. my name is Misty and i am brand new. this is my first time to sign on as a member. i came on here on wednesday for the first time and watched about 4 hours of testimonials. as i am not yet too sure about finding a buyer i have thought of what i think might be an inovative way to get one or many, but i am not sure if i can do this idea leagelly. i am going to make up the senario that i am thinking of trying and would like to know what you think of it if you would please.

lets say i find a house that is worth 160,000 and i offer to pay cash for the property at 80,000 and it is accepted, provided i can do this with in 60 days. then i sell lottery tickets for the house at 100 a piece. and when i have 100,000 (1000 tickets) sold i hold the raffel and pay the 80,000 to the seller and keep the 20,000 and give the house to the winner of the ticket i pull. what do you think? please help.

I am in Denver Colorado

COhomeguy's picture

What exactly are you looking to do? I am looking to expand my "buyers list" and interested in putting together a win/win for every one.

Eric Landis


You got the idea.The goal is to buy at 50% below fmv and re sell or assigned the contract to another buyer for a profit.It all depends on how you want to sell the property. It is said to have the buyer before you get the property that way you can close soon on it.


I have formed a pool of investors all over the country and if you need buyers i can provide them and i will get my profit from them not you. So this can be a win win for all!


hi mandm
I have a 3-1 About 1260sq I have it under contract I want to assign the deal ARV around 60k needs about 15k fixup will rent between $450-$500 a month you can see pic's and more info on postlets just search Haxtun, co.80731
north east co. on craigs list under for sale by owener only $19,500 IF needed I can help with rehab Got 30+yrs.exp in construction. Great deal
need to move Fast. Action Action Action A.S.A.P My e-mail and contact info is on the add Thank you

I have houses all over the place!

joeyharp_2001's picture

Hey There, Joseph here and I and my partner Mark have 9 properties listed on the DR Classified under Properties for Sale. Also, look at the one we have under Looking to Buy. On Properties for Sale, you will many of them are Multi Family, but two, ONE IN FRANKFORT, ILLINOIS AND ONE IN BROOKSVILLE, FLORIDA, are Super Palces which are great for Hold Properties! Take a look!

Good Percentages

joeyharp_2001's picture

Hey Marlen, I have continued to read your posts here. PLEASE contact me. We have GOOD PROPERTIES under contract. And my partner Mark has them in 8-9 states. We just came together so I'm short of details. CONTACT ME and lets network, unless you have too many properties all ready and are making too much money! We are into these properties as much as 65% under FMV w/good comps and numbers to back 'em up!

proprties to sell

engelterri3's picture

I would be happy happy happy, to help your buyers find some awesome deals in North Western Phoenix areas.
Just give me the criteria to work with.
Terri Engel

Looking for DG investment group in Denver/Aurora/Arvada

please advise of any group(s) organized in the metro area that I could connect with ... for networking, learning, sharing. Thank you! Barbara

looking for ivestment group

prairiedog's picture

Hello Barbara, I live in Strasburg,CO. Am looking for the same. Email me prairieteam@**** I would like to get together with more females in the area. Thank you, Beverly


prairiedog's picture

You can not hold a raffle in the state of Colorado without a license. You would first have to be a non profit organization for 3 years to apply.