
All About kjh523

Ken Hollies

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Talking to REO Realtors about finding cash investors in my area kjh523915 years 4 days ago
24/7 Message Services kjh523015 years 1 week ago

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Mainly Just This One


Getting a Real Estate License

I'm just starting out being an investor and I just got Dean's latest book in the mail. I want to concentrate on doing Greg Murphy's lease option strategies that I learned in Chapter 4. I called a real estate agent who is a friend of mine and wanted his professional opinion about our towns real estate market and he told me that I couldn't use any of the techniques I've been learning about unless I had a license. I know I remember reading in Deans books that I don't need a license to do this, so why would my friend be so sure that I can't buy and sell real estate without a license? Am I missing something here? I was under the impression that if I used the proper forms and had a Real Estate Attorney check everything out for me that I would in the clear.