
All About johndedwards

John Edwards
About Me: 

I am 45 and my wife and I have bought 6 properties in Cleveland Ohio. It is amazing to get NOI of 17-35% on a property. We have made several trips to the USA undertaking some personal development and reviewing different areas to invest in.

I do like some areas of Ohio since the entry price is very low and when rehabbed a little the rental return is great o there is a real opportunity to flip the property.

Our cash flow is a little tight at the moment and so I am starting to look for private money to help me with my investments. We currently have about $5,000 pm in passive income (not a lot) but a start and we want to (no we will) build that up to $20,000 a month. Then we can travel happily around your great country.

So if there is anyone in the area that would like to have a chat to me that would be terrific. I would welcome advice from anyone that has been where I want to go in the real estate investing field.

travel, real estate, letting Australian know of the opportunities that exist in the USA, personal development, family, my wife, meeting people

Topics I've Participated In

Craigslist Advertising Question johndedwards1111 years 49 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #185 - Non Stop Momentum dgadmin17412 years 34 weeks ago
SECOND DEAL! sphi991412 years 34 weeks ago
Timeline for a flip johndedwards212 years 37 weeks ago
International phone calls johndedwards012 years 37 weeks ago

Basic Info

real estate investor
Have Child(ren)
In Post Graduate

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One
