
All About Debbiegirl

Debra Benoit

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Bad Credit VS No Credit Debbiegirl1014 years 16 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One


Credit & Real Estate

Hi Debbi,
I read your comments and I understand how frustrating this "new" information can seem when you first start off. This website is a good source if you want to hold off on purchasing material but you've got to dig deep and get to know the nooks and crannies of the site...there is a wealth of info but you got take in in chunks. Sometimes you will feel more frustrated by asking certain questions and getting someone to reply once or twice only. I have purchased 3 books, and gain the edge 2010 material and have scanned it carefully and yes believe it or not there are regular everyday people out there making it work. But you have to pay your dues and stick to it and get out of your comfort zone regardless of any rejections, objections, naysayers. I have my own credit repair business and have helped many people including myself go from high interest rates, to lower ones, from identity theft, repossessions, and even bankruptcy does it work without fixing your credit YES, can you open more doors and make it easier with good credit YES. First you find the deal, deals are everywhere some are evident, some you gotta create out of thin air. I have bought and sold 2 homes so I am not an expert in RE but I understand the fundamentals. Next you find out who owns these properties, via phone calls listed, knocking on doors, and local city websites, and sites like,, and even, drive thru your neighborhoods about a 5 mile radius and use your telephone directory or to lookup RE agents, RE brokers, RE attorneys, contact mortgage loan companies and ask them what are their minimum requirements for qualifying a customer looking to purchase a home, go to banks and ask about REO's (real estate owned properties), gain control of properties once you have found the owner, with RE contracts with an escape clause to protect you in case the "good deal" you found does not sell in a timely manner. Keep a log of your daily ToDo list and commit to doing at least one area of RE hunting to keep you accountable and organized. Also start finding people who specialize in landscaping, plumbing, roofing, carpets, construction, painters, that you can form a team that will be there to help you get things done. I would say that you cannot count on anyone especially DG's well known students to help you and hold your hand because they already have a full plate and too busy making real money in RE to help...SO...I would buy at least one book the latest two will come in one package and that should be enough information to keep you busy and on the right track, the rest you can take it or leave it unless you've got beaucoup bucks then the success academy will hold your hand thru at least 5 sales, but I've never tried it so I cannot attest to it. OK? So Decide, Commit, and Believe...good luck, carlos.