
All About Deals2uAz

Gian Castaneda
Phoenix Az
About Me: 

Im new to investing here in Arizona. Looking to start up wholesaling. For years I have wanted to get into R.E just never got around to it. Story of my life. Done online training and studied a few courses. Now Im here, hoping this is the one that will give me the latest skills to succeed in todays market.

Music has been a big part of my life. I enjoy being around anything musical. Im also a fan of Nascar.

Topics I've Participated In

any one in arizona my3606113 years 16 weeks ago
FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 44 weeks ago

Basic Info

Self employed. Retail musical sales. Also band instrument and guitar repair tech
Have Child(ren)
Some High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Family Reunion

lihpaid001's picture

Hey There,

I am up here in Utah and I really like to hear or hook up with some deals down there. I am planning to invest in AZ areas and I really want to target Tucson areas. Hey maybe we can trade with deals. Ateer all Utah is not that cold, you know?

Thanks You.
Deimen Lihpai

Utah/AZ connect

Hello, I would be great to make contact with you. I appreciate your intrest. I stand pretty much alone out here as far a knowing other investors yet. Give me a idea of what you have in mind and ill do my best to get the job done.

Thank you kindly,

Gian Castaneda