
All About DallasGlass

Dallas Glass
About Me: 

I am young but have been investing for 12 years. My first investment property is the house I still live in....yes it was and is and investment. My second property was an empty lot that I bought and built a house on it....the same tenant has lived there since day 1. I have had success and failures but one thing I know...I LOVE investing and will continue to do that more and more each and every day. I too get tied up and get off course, but my motivation is always there to get back on the horse.
I have a wife and 3 very beautiful kids. I could not ask for a better life than the one that My Lord has blessed me with.

Church, wife, kids, investing, golf, skiing, travel

Topics I've Participated In

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #184 - Logical Decisions dgadmin180410 years 29 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #198 - Score a FREE iPad from Dean dgadmin72411 years 44 weeks ago
How to avoid a second settlement DallasGlass212 years 6 weeks ago
Buyers List DallasGlass212 years 9 weeks ago
HUD home owner occupied dgreg612 years 25 weeks ago

Basic Info

Business Owner
Have Child(ren)
Some Post Graduate

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Buyers checklist?

Does anyone use any specific form to gather the necessary information to complete your buyers list? What type of information should I be looking to gather besides type of house, location, price ranges? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!