Joined: 2012-01-25
Points: 46
Dallas Glass
About Me:
I am young but have been investing for 12 years. My first investment property is the house I still live in....yes it was and is and investment. My second property was an empty lot that I bought and built a house on it....the same tenant has lived there since day 1. I have had success and failures but one thing I know...I LOVE investing and will continue to do that more and more each and every day. I too get tied up and get off course, but my motivation is always there to get back on the horse.
I have a wife and 3 very beautiful kids. I could not ask for a better life than the one that My Lord has blessed me with.
Church, wife, kids, investing, golf, skiing, travel
Buyers checklist?
Does anyone use any specific form to gather the necessary information to complete your buyers list? What type of information should I be looking to gather besides type of house, location, price ranges? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!