
All About barjinder

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barjinder sidhu

Topics I've Participated In

Rina's DAILY JOURNAL: Chapter One - The Beginning Rina99815 years 7 weeks ago
Lily frm LA Journal. LilyfrmLA1815 years 42 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One


Hi There, Its great to connect with great Teachers, learners.

barjinder's picture

Guest's Blogs, Memberjournals are a very good sourse to stay in touch with other students of similar interest, problems & concerns they are facing,& the advice given to them by friends, Members & coaches of Dean's staff, one can really stay inspired & motivated reading various inputs of other people.May God bless Dean & his whole organization with continous success. I recoomend everybody to read ''PROFIT FROM REAL ESTATE RIGHT NOW, if they haven't yet, its very Knowledgeable, & motivating. Barjinder.

Great Unconditional help given in Rina's Journal;

barjinder's picture

Rina's journal is an excellent source of practical knowledge, based on real, experiences, She has provided everybody with sincere help, on an unbiased, basis, full of all the patience, kindness, Sincerity & humbleness. A great capacity Blessed by GOD, May God bless her in every way. & may she keep inspiring & helping people in a heart touching way. THE GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT IS NOT IN NEVER FALLING, BUT IN RISING AGAIN AFTER YOU FALL;; Vince Lombardi.

Great Unconditional help given in Rina's Journal;

barjinder's picture

Rina's journal is an excellent source of practical knowledge, based on real, experiences, She has provided everybody with sincere help, on an unbiased, basis, full of all the patience, kindness, Sincerity & humbleness. A great capacity Blessed by GOD, May God bless her in every way. & may she keep inspiring & helping people in a heart touching way. THE GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT IS NOT IN NEVER FALLING, BUT IN RISING AGAIN AFTER YOU FALL;; Vince Lombardi.

Great Unconditional help given in Rina's Journal;

barjinder's picture

Rina's journal is an excellent source of practical knowledge, based on real, experiences, She has provided everybody with sincere help, on an unbiased, basis, full of all the patience, kindness, Sincerity & humbleness. A great capacity Blessed by GOD, May God bless her in every way. & may she keep inspiring & helping people in a heart touching way. THE GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT IS NOT IN NEVER FALLING, BUT IN RISING AGAIN AFTER YOU FALL;; Vince Lombardi.

Great Unconditional help given in Rina's Journal;

barjinder's picture

Rina's journal is an excellent source of practical knowledge, based on real, experiences, She has provided everybody with sincere help, on an unbiased, basis, full of all the patience, kindness, Sincerity & humbleness. A great capacity Blessed by GOD, May God bless her in every way. & may she keep inspiring & helping people in a heart touching way. THE GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT IS NOT IN NEVER FALLING, BUT IN RISING AGAIN AFTER YOU FALL;; Vince Lombardi.

thank you

thank you...I appreciate what your wrote on my profile page, or whatever that is called...And I am lucky to have Angela supporting me all the time too...Makes things much easier just knowing you have somebody in your corner...Granted, in my normal everyday stuff, I have people on my side too, and nobody really being negative towards me going for this...Not everyone is lucky like I am as far as that...