Why would landlords be afraid of creating additional streams of income?
I joined a company that provides discounted pricing for TV (cable or satellite), Phone (voip), Internet, Gas, and Electrical service. In addition, when a customer applies for service through my website, I get a residual payment every time the customers pay on his/her bill. By adding this tool to their arsenal, a landlord could create multiple cashflow streams to their business. I have offered this same opportunity to landlords in my area and they all say "no". This is a legal and ethical business. Could there be some potential liability that I'm missing?
I joined a company that provides discounted pricing for TV (cable or satellite), Phone (voip), Internet, Gas, and Electrical service. In addition, when a customer applies for service through my website, I get a residual payment every time the customers pay on his/her bill. By adding this tool to their arsenal, a landlord could create multiple cashflow streams to their business. I have offered this same opportunity to landlords in my area and they all say "no". This is a legal and ethical business. Could there be some potential liability that I'm missing?