

when you feel that you're losing the fight, start to write! One of the best things you can do when you find yourself in the valley is to write about what your're feeling. Note what's happening to you and what effect your circumstances have on your emotions. Whatever comes into your mind, scribble it down. Don't edit your thoughts, just capture them. Whether you scribble your feeling on paper or clack your thoughts into a computer, journaling lets you release frustrations, hurts and confusing emotions. Like letting a shaken can of
Coke spew open, journaling releases pent-up feelings, leaving you more relaxed and calm. As a result, you'll find yourself better able to move forward. If you journal your feelings you'll, benefit both mentally and physically. James Pennebaker, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, the author of Opening Up the Healing Power of Expressing Emotions, found that writing about upsetting experiences for just 20 minutes at a time, over three or four days, can boost your immune system and make your blood pressure drop Vicki Hitzges
