Your Health is your wealth

Your Health is your wealth

If you have your heallth you have everything. but the words in reverse of that is If you lose your health, you lose everything.It doesn't matter how rich you are. If your health fails and you feel lousy, your're not going to enjoy it.
Your health is your wealth. So, what can you do to protect this important asset? Get in shape! It's one of the most positive moves you can make.
Getting fit gives you energy, increases your endurance and builds your confidence. When you exercise of lift weights, your body releases endorphins. Endorphins have been linked to the same kind of high produced by morphine! (and they're legal.!) When you are pumped full of endorphins, you look better, think better, feel better and sleep better. We've all heard it's not good to "sweat the small stuff," but sometimes it can be fantastic to just sweat! A study done at California State University showed that 30 minutes of intense aerobbic exercise immediately reduces body tension.
Get lots of sleep. Your body heals and repairs itself while you sleep. Most "American don't get enough. According to the The National Sleep Foundation, adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. Also watch your diet. Generally blow off everything white white flour white sugar and starchy potatoes. Load up on fresh vegetables with deep, rich colors. In fact, the deeper the color the better.
Winning in life has a lot to do with having the energy you need to accomplish what you want in life.
You may think that you don't have time to exercise 30 minutes a day or to sleep eight hours a night or even to eat right. The reality is that if you don't make time to take care of yourself, you'll be forced to find time to be sick. Make time!
Realize that your health is your wealth. Want it to grow? Make youself a priority. YOU'RE WORTH IT!
Vicki Hitzges
