Are you frustrated with marketing? Not getting the result you had hoped for on your last direct mail or ad-words campaign? Puzzled altogether? Well, before you throw in the towel and succumb to the fate you believe the marketing gods have for you please read on...this post my friend is for you.
Marketing for real estate investors and marketing for real estate agents can be confusing at first. Most people think when their marketing isn't working they need to do one of 3 things: Change their marketing strategy, Increase or Decrease their marketing budget or Quit altogether.
Most Peoples Marketing Sucks And Yours Should Not
I am going to share with you why people that make one of the 3 prior mistakes could be giving up too quickly before finding out what the problem really is. Every time you sit down to write a new marketing piece keep in mind the 5 W's: Who, What, When, Where & Why. Yeah I know you might be thinking, Chris I know this already, but let’s dive into it any way.
1. Who are you marketing to?
Ex. Demographics, Divorce, Probate, out of state owners etc.
2. What Are You Marketing To Them With?
Ex. Post cards, Yellow letters etc.
3. When Are You Marketing To Them?
Day of the week, month, seasons etc.
4. Where Are Your Marketing To Them?
State, City, County. Etc.
5. Why Are You Marketing To Them? Ex. What is their problem that only you can solve? What is your USP (unique selling proposition) that sets you apart from everyone else that does exactly what you do? Why should they work with you?
If you can answer these 5 questions about your campaign you have a foundation for success and can proceed to the next step. Marketing for real estate investors or marketing for real estate agents doesn't have to be complicated.
For Real…It May Just Be Your Body…
Well, not your physical body, but the ad copy in the body of your marketing piece. The next step is to look at what is written in your letter/marketing. Make sure you cover these 3 areas:
1. Do You Have A Strong Headline? Did you know that having a strong headline on your direct mail piece, lead capture page, pay per click or print ad increases conversions by 71%? This is HUGE.
2. What Is Their Pain You Need To Solve? Ex. Going through foreclosure, divorce, buried in debt, burdened with a house they didn't want after the passing of a loved one, Owner living out of state and TIRED of dealing with his property etc. Does the reader feel that you understand what they are going through and and how you can help them?
3. What Solution Do You Provide That Is The Answer To Their Pain? Are you helping them get cash fast for their house for quick debt relief? Are you saving them from foreclosure or preventing a costly short sale? This is how you connect.
If you are covering these 8 areas and you are still not getting the result you would like from your marketing, then it could be time to change your strategy.
3rd And Final Step – WOO SAH.
The last step is simply to be patient, consistent with your marketing and work within your budget. I can’t stress enough the importance of testing. Marketing for real estate investors and marketing for real estate agents is not an expense and should not be treated as one. Marketing if done right is an investment that should always at minimum pay for itself, but more often than not, yield a significantly higher return. clogan
Are you frustrated with marketing? Not getting the result you had hoped for on your last direct mail or ad-words campaign? Puzzled altogether? Well, before you throw in the towel and succumb to the fate you believe the marketing gods have for you please read on...this post my friend is for you.
Marketing for real estate investors and marketing for real estate agents can be confusing at first. Most people think when their marketing isn't working they need to do one of 3 things: Change their marketing strategy, Increase or Decrease their marketing budget or Quit altogether.
Most Peoples Marketing Sucks And Yours Should Not
I am going to share with you why people that make one of the 3 prior mistakes could be giving up too quickly before finding out what the problem really is. Every time you sit down to write a new marketing piece keep in mind the 5 W's: Who, What, When, Where & Why. Yeah I know you might be thinking, Chris I know this already, but let’s dive into it any way.
1. Who are you marketing to?
Ex. Demographics, Divorce, Probate, out of state owners etc.
2. What Are You Marketing To Them With?
Ex. Post cards, Yellow letters etc.
3. When Are You Marketing To Them?
Day of the week, month, seasons etc.
4. Where Are Your Marketing To Them?
State, City, County. Etc.
5. Why Are You Marketing To Them? Ex. What is their problem that only you can solve? What is your USP (unique selling proposition) that sets you apart from everyone else that does exactly what you do? Why should they work with you?
If you can answer these 5 questions about your campaign you have a foundation for success and can proceed to the next step. Marketing for real estate investors or marketing for real estate agents doesn't have to be complicated.
For Real…It May Just Be Your Body…
Well, not your physical body, but the ad copy in the body of your marketing piece. The next step is to look at what is written in your letter/marketing. Make sure you cover these 3 areas:
1. Do You Have A Strong Headline? Did you know that having a strong headline on your direct mail piece, lead capture page, pay per click or print ad increases conversions by 71%? This is HUGE.
2. What Is Their Pain You Need To Solve? Ex. Going through foreclosure, divorce, buried in debt, burdened with a house they didn't want after the passing of a loved one, Owner living out of state and TIRED of dealing with his property etc. Does the reader feel that you understand what they are going through and and how you can help them?
3. What Solution Do You Provide That Is The Answer To Their Pain? Are you helping them get cash fast for their house for quick debt relief? Are you saving them from foreclosure or preventing a costly short sale? This is how you connect.
If you are covering these 8 areas and you are still not getting the result you would like from your marketing, then it could be time to change your strategy.
3rd And Final Step – WOO SAH.
The last step is simply to be patient, consistent with your marketing and work within your budget. I can’t stress enough the importance of testing. Marketing for real estate investors and marketing for real estate agents is not an expense and should not be treated as one. Marketing if done right is an investment that should always at minimum pay for itself, but more often than not, yield a significantly higher return. clogan