BP Page 1 homework
Why I want to be a Real Estate Millionaire:
1.Because I want to be successful at something. I have been a jack of all trades and a master at none. Finally at 56 years old, I want to master something, have fun doing it and make money too. I want to do something that doesn't feel like work. I want to do this for me. To prove to myself that I can.
2.I want to be able to retire and have no financial worries.
3.Once I become a master, I want to teach others, my son, members of my family and others who are struggling to make ends meet.
4. I want the freedom from financial woe so that I can do more volunteer work to serve my Lord. I would like to open a food bank in our area. I want to find a need that has not been filled and fulfill it.
5.I want to pay off all of our debt
6. Pay someone to do the repairs and remodels on our house.
7.Put money away for my great grandchildrens college fund.

1.Get the RE agent on board: Done 8/8/11
2.Get the "Cash Solds" list: Done 8/11/11
3.Find the "Cash Buyers" names: 8/15/11

Watch "The Edge" VIP Mastermind DVD: Done 8/11-12/11 Very motivating and inspiring
Watch:"The Edge" DVD#1: Done 8/13/11, Learned another niche to check out.

3. Went to County Courthouse to find the owners of the cash solds on my list. Still working on this. Trying to figure out the trends and hot pockets to focus on as well as the cash solds investors that keep reoccurring. Back to work. 8/18/11

Comment: I find all the info, forums etc on the DG website to be very overwhelming. I think I am going to try to stick with the RBBP and post my progression in my Journal.

finished the 'Cash Solds" list I really don't see any trends. alot of the properties were bought to live in. I did manage to find 20 names. Searched the names to see how many properties they owned in that county. If more than the prop on the list wrote the name down. Not too may of them were in a company name. Most were individual names. Next step to call or mail a post card to these people and see how many responses I get. Also placing a ghost ad on craigs list today.

Since last entry:

Sent letters out. To my surprise got a call from one. An investor who flips. He does one flip at a time and right now is waiting for his property to sell.

Placed Ghost ad on craigs list, the one suggested by Greg Murphy, I no sooner posted it when the phone rang. An investor who buys and holds. I recieved four calls from that ad one of which was a cash buyer.

I need more buyers on the list so I did a google search for "we buy houses" and "RE investors" plus my county and state. Found another REI group with possible buyers. My buyers list is SLOWLY BUILDING.

Next is to do the bandit signs. We'll see how they work. I have to admit that I am getting a little discouraged that my area is defunct of cash buyers but Dean and all the mentors say that any area can be a gold mind, so I am going to hold on to that thought and keep plugging along.

I did move on and read the chapter on How to Know What to Pay. Because my thought is, I know what my cash buyer who buys and holds wants so why not go out and find a deal with this investors criteria. So I got listings in the area and comps, going to do the numbers, read the asignment part and try to get a deal in the works while filling the buyer and deal buckets.
Wish me luck!!!!
