Chris' Journey Forward

Chris' Journey Forward

I found this part of the website last night and i read a few of the member journals. It was very encouraging and i have to say inspiring as well!! Everyone here seems to have the same bug that I have had and thanks to Dean I see a way forward!! Thank you DEAN!!!

This is my first entry in a, hopefully, long journey into the real estate investing world. I am very excited to get started applying Dean's methods and sheding some bad habits that have kept me back. I started reading 'Be a Real Estate Millionaire' last night as well. I'm addicted!!

In the past i have not always had the best luck keeping my journals going but I plan on being on this site daily to stay connected and focused!!

If there are any out there with advice, encouragement or even a hello Smiling I would love to connect. Plus, I am in the Central Valley of California area if there are any others from that area interested in networking please feel free to post here!!

I truely hope this journal acts as a marker and tracker for my future success!!

CJ Finch


"To those unseen and those unheard, my deed may never show; But by once command I call myself to hone my future in!!"