I just checked my email and got an email from "Dean Graziosi [[email protected]]" with a link to some weird website that I didn't click. I am more than positive this is an imitator because I don't think dean would send a newsletter out unless he was using his @deangraziosi.com email. AND I DO NOT SUGGEST GOING TO howlingmaste.com as it might cause a problem or two.
I am also positive this isnt him because the email said:
"Today's real estate market is in the toilet.
And that's precisely why there has never been a better time to create a fortune with real estate investing.
Renegade investor sets record straight.
See what's happening: (website url was here)"
And I KNOW thats not how Dean talks.. LOL
I just wanted to warn the community to save people from any viruses or computer problems.
The DG Admin team might want to make an announcement about this.
P.S. I also can forward the DG team this email if you want to take a look at what was sent.
I just checked my email and got an email from "Dean Graziosi [[email protected]]" with a link to some weird website that I didn't click. I am more than positive this is an imitator because I don't think dean would send a newsletter out unless he was using his @deangraziosi.com email. AND I DO NOT SUGGEST GOING TO howlingmaste.com as it might cause a problem or two.
I am also positive this isnt him because the email said:
"Today's real estate market is in the toilet.
And that's precisely why there has never been a better time to create a fortune with real estate investing.
Renegade investor sets record straight.
See what's happening: (website url was here)"
And I KNOW thats not how Dean talks.. LOL
I just wanted to warn the community to save people from any viruses or computer problems.
The DG Admin team might want to make an announcement about this.
P.S. I also can forward the DG team this email if you want to take a look at what was sent.
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