I'm getting ready to make my first offer! since joinging the academy. I bought one house already a month before joining, but it was for my own enjoyment (a second home w/ 100K equity built in), a divorce sale). I've also purchased 5 other homes in CA over the years since 1997 and I've always been required to put forth the earnest money upfront, but they've always been buy and hold.
Does anyone know if in CA the earnest money ALWAYS needs to be made upfront? Every other home I've bought in CA requires the earnest money with the offer, so I don't know if I did that to assure the seller I was serious or if its required upfront with the offer. I know in Deans book he says to put in the offer that the earnest money will be paid within X number of days. Anyone in CA with experience, would greatly appreciate your help.
Transferred this message to Investment Journals because I get responses here quicker.
I'm getting ready to make my first offer!
since joinging the academy. I bought one house already a month before joining, but it was for my own enjoyment (a second home w/ 100K equity built in), a divorce sale). I've also purchased 5 other homes in CA over the years since 1997 and I've always been required to put forth the earnest money upfront, but they've always been buy and hold.
Does anyone know if in CA the earnest money ALWAYS needs to be made upfront? Every other home I've bought in CA requires the earnest money with the offer, so I don't know if I did that to assure the seller I was serious or if its required upfront with the offer. I know in Deans book he says to put in the offer that the earnest money will be paid within X number of days. Anyone in CA with experience, would greatly appreciate your help.
Transferred this message to Investment Journals because I get responses here quicker.