Killer Deals In Seattle

Killer Deals In Seattle

I was reading the Seattle times newspaper today, and in the sports section backend pages c8 to c15 posted was the LEGAL NOTICES for a TAX LIEN AUCTION 12/11/09 starting at 9 am. they have 450 unrelated parsels.houses, condos, raw land etc. some in forclosures. Any DG families in Seattle? you have 2 months to do your research on these properties, get your credit together, find other investors, or partner w/money or good line of credit, or ask a family member w/money you can borrow from. Cash, cashier's check money order or certified check only. Redemption period is 1 day before Auction 12/10/09 till 4:30 pm. They have all the info on owners listed names, addresses, except phone, I ran comps on 2 properties on TV, impressive figures. For more info get a copy of the Seattle times dated 10/20/09. I just wanted to share the good news with my DG families so you can all prepare for the HARVEST. George41

