ekn2god/Brownstone Properties

All About ekn2god

ekn2god's picture
Erika Coleman
About Me: 

40 yr old, married mother of 3. I have dreamed of doing REI for years. Started a biz awhile back with my family but, no one could settle on the how to's of REI. I work full time outside of the home as a nurse. I have listened to Carlton Sheets, Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump and Dean Graziosi. I have invested in Carlton Sheets, Robert Kiyosaki, and Dean Graziosi. I am hunger to get it and make this happen.

REI, Reading, Spending time with my family, learning to cook, working on my house.

Topics I've Participated In

Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 43 weeks ago
Creating Additional Income From Real Estate Anitarny368 years 2 weeks ago
What Is Owner Financing Anitarny1248 years 10 weeks ago
LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 15 weeks ago
Ask Dean's Coaches a Question nstreet3748 years 26 weeks ago

Basic Info

Have Child(ren)
In College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One




I enjoy reading your post. It really encourages me. I'm a brand new investor trying to learn about birdogging in VA. Let me know when you join the DG family of mentoring. I can't afford it at this time. I would love to hear back from you.

In Christ,

Mentoring Program

I typed a response and evidently it was held over too long therefore I lost what I wrote. Anyway I also want to get into birdogging for my area which is Maryland. We are not too far from each other. I am in the Mentor Program and it's a lot of reading, however there is an online curriculum in which there are interactive lessons. I feel that this program will allow me to retire very nicely. My retirement date was July of 2008, but like most people I need more income. One of my goals is to wake up and go from my bedroom to my office and by the grace of God that will manifest. I have a real estate agent I have known for 20 years and he has been selling and buying for 12.
I can't wait to show him the creative techniques I will be using to purchase and sell real estate. He is traditional and is reluctant to use other ways to purchase and buy. I also plan to help my at risk youth because they are looking for a way to do something productive with their lives. The majority of them make money the wrong way and they need to know how to use it to add value to ones life instead of tearing down ones life. I have faced so much opposition because I really want to save these kids and the negative forces have been fighting me all the way. I feel a breakthough this year. I will take your suggestion and start my journal just to let others know of my experience. Take care and God bless.

Hello Erika

Anitarny's picture

I just wanted to say thank you for the prayer you sent me a few months back, i get so many replies sometimes I miss one or two. But please know your prayers did not go unheard, I have been in better health the past few months than I have been in years, so THANK YOU



ekn2god's picture

I am so glad to see you back on the seen. Keep up the good work and keep posting. You are truly giving valued information and planted seeds in the ground. Thank you. I am still praying for your health and success in what you put your hands too.

I am also keeping up with your non-profit. I just love it.

A smile

ekn2god,I once told my son;If you do not have the money,Give them a smile!
Bless yours and everybodys...Fam!


Chasing The Dream's picture

I hope your desire for REI has still been going strong. The last time you posted on my journal I could hear your excitment in your typing voice.

How is everything working out for you?
Keep me posted.

Happy Investing.
Carpe Diem :0) Stacey