
All About FDrake

Farley Drake

Topics I've Participated In

LLC Benefits FDrake4128 years 14 weeks ago
LLC benefits FDrake316 years 40 weeks ago
LLC D-HI416 years 48 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



mllewis's picture

The LLC is tied to your personal credit , because I tried appling for a credit card in my LLC's name and was denied. you should still open a llc for tax write-offs and tax deductions for your business!! you can improve your credit in 6 months easy... I can show you how!!! elijahproperties.com

LLC reply

Oh thasnks much for the info. I am just getting started so, I just want to make sure I am on the right track that is best for ME! Thank you


zotaylor2's picture

I was just thinking the same ...I have no money but if i form an LLC or corporation the cororation or LLC can get grants from the goverment to expand the bizz...


my partner has an 800+ fico would that corp/llc jointly give us a credit line since we dont have any start up cash?


Kenneth Bell's picture

Ive been researching this llc and talked to wellsfargo.com as well
Im a Canadian and they require 500.00 to set up a llc .

Now reading other blogs i read you can register for 100.00 in any seperate state .

If its cash you do nothave id go the state you need first and after you got the cash set up Utah llc as we were taught in class .


alexbee's picture

Need info about llc - check with the Academy.

Need info about you- basic info for PM