
All About ssinvesting

Shaun Walbridge
Tampa Florida
About Me: 

I'm 36 yrs old and married with three children. For the last 8 years I have been a Respiratory Therapist in the homecare industry. My role in the marketing sector of the company has taught me a great deal about business. I like my job and I make a decent living. Having said that, I find it difficult to not only raise a family, but also give them the extras. Then there is always retirement to look forward to, 30 years from now. I'm looking to secure our future as well as for our kids. I have developed a passion for real estate !

Sports,Traveling,Camping and Playing with my kids

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Basic Info

Respiratory Therapist/Marketing Director for a homecrae agency
Have Child(ren)
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Are you interested in buying in the Tampa Area?

I have a great deal in the Tampa area for a long term investment or even a short term depending on what you are looking for let me know if you are interested in this area. (Ruskin to be exact)