
All About stevenmitchellwalker

stevenmitchellwalker's picture
Steven M Walker
Portland, OR
About Me: 

My name is Steven Mitchell Walker but I go by my middle name, Mitchell. I'm 5' 11'', 195 lbs. I grew up in the South, Birmingham Alabama to be exact. I moved to Oregon when I was ten and have lived here ever since. I enjoy almost any sport. I like going to the gym, playing sports, hanging out with friends, surfing, playing the guitar, rock climbing, wakeboarding, fishing, hunting, reading, lounging, watching tv, going on road trips, etc. I like inspiring quotes by famous people or ispirational scripture. I graduated with a BS Degree in Business early 2007 and am now working on getting my Masters in Organizational Leadership at Gonzaga University. I own my own construction and remodeling business and want to get into foreclosures and investment properties.

I am a Christian and that is my number one priority. I am always weary of claiming Christianity because nowadays I believe it stands for something I'm not. I believe the majority believe a Christian is someone who votes Republican, hates gays, hates people who don't see things their way, and hates people who get abortions all of which I do not and all of which have nothing to do with what Jesus taught. I believe Jesus died for my sins and in some spiritual way that I don't understand that keeps me from going to hell. I am here to spread Christ's love, not judge people who hold different beliefs and opinions than me. The message of Christ is love, and that is what I try to spread.

I come from a big family with seven other brothers and sisters and they all mean alot to me. I have some very good friends too who have been with me through thick and thin and they mean alot to me as well. Anyways, that's me in a nut shell. Message me if you want.

Topics I've Participated In

FAQ: Answers To The Most Asked Questions - Start Here dgadmin295013 years 45 weeks ago
foreclosure or preforclosures rubio24153515 years 21 weeks ago
Sheriff Sales kened_794215 years 45 weeks ago
Getting started on a foreclosure stevenmitchellwalker5616 years 27 weeks ago
Buying in different markets stevenmitchellwalker116 years 30 weeks ago

Basic Info

W and W Land - Owner/Project Manager
No Children
In Post Graduate


Welcome to the site and the RE adventure!

debbiejo's picture

I have been reading all the responses to your post on foreclosures and I am learning a lot. That is what is so great. So many wonderful people are helping each other to find the way to becoming a RE millionaire.

I really relate to your Christian outlook and views. I am the same way. I would not walk one step through my life without my faith in God and Jesus and no-one will ever take that away from me. I don't see any need to judge others when I am no angel and everyone has the right to their own journey.

You know what always amazes me! People forget that there is more than one power fighting to gather our souls here on earth. People quickly turn on or blame God for every horrible thing that occurs when it seems obvious to me that some blame for many horrors could belong to Satan. Weird isn't it?

Anyway, that's my 2 cents

See you around!