
All About lloydsap

About Me: 

I ordered Dean's book (BARM) on March 9, 2008. I've read a lot of books and materials about real estate investing, but nothing has come close to Dean's book in terms of the valuable information of the how, what, when, strategies, etc. I've always wanted to be a real estate investor, but i never had the opportunity until now.

I finished the book within a week and with the new information and the knowledge i've gained, i was armed with confidence and desire to become a real estate investor. As of May 1, 2008, i've purchased my first property and I'm now consider myself a REAL ESTATE INVESTOR, and i have purchased a lot more properties since then. I like to thank Dean for writing such a great book and inspiring me to take actions.

Anyone out there who just started in REI, set your goals and take action. "Action speaks louder than Words, and Faith without Work is Dead, and with faith and little work on your part, you can go a long way"


Real Estate Investing, Traveling and spending time with families and friends

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Matt Larson A Question cbrpower4737 years 40 weeks ago
Louisa's Journal - The Sky is the Limit!!! louisajhc5087 years 43 weeks ago
ACTUAL - Purchase Agreement/Offer Anitarny758 years 4 weeks ago
Roadmap to raise 100% financing for a rehab/refi nmbiggar928 years 6 weeks ago
Buying Property: "Subject To" sully1188 years 25 weeks ago

Basic Info

Self Employ/ Real Estate Investor
No Children
Completed College

Sites I Visit


Hi there!

debbiejo's picture

I am pretty new to this RE stuff so if you are a keen RE investor and learning lots with your passion, I hope you will allow me to pick your brain from time to time?
I need all the help I can


We are all here to help you reach your real estate investing and financial goals. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Good luck with real estate investing and remember, knowledge plus actions equal extraordinary results..



Anitarny's picture

Congratulations Lloyd on your DEAL MAKER and KNOWLEDGE badges, they are much deserved.

I look forward to seeing you progress within the DG family even more and congrats on your 5 new houses as well. Looks like Dean's book worked for both of us...and worked well.


Thank you Anita!

You are still my idol though. I'm trying to catch up with you. I could have gotten two more houses, but the darn bank were too greedy. Oh well, i'll just keep working and motivates me now even more. Thank you though for your friendship and helping hands. I sure appreciate your support and willingness to help as many people as you can. God bless and you deserved every success that comes your way.



Rina's picture

Lloyd, Congrats on your recent deals!!!
Feels great, huh? Smiling


Another one!

Rina's picture

Congrats again, Lloyd! Another closing today. You're on a roll! Cool

trying to keep up,


High Five!

Elena M's picture

Good work brother! We're all so proud of you!!
Continuous blessings for you,


hello hello BANXS

rednative's picture

just wanna tell you CONGRATS on your property! That is soo awsome. I want to thank you for responding to my comment. It gave me a boost of energy and confidence. im glad that i have some DG family on my back and is watching my moves and or just taking the time to put their opinions to the person that is in need.

I just want to let you know that your PARENTS saw your purchase and i know they are very proud of you.

Thanks Navtivered1!

Sorry for the delay, but i have been under the weather lately. As far as thanking me for the responding to your comments. That's what were here for. We're here to help each other to succeed and reaching your goals. I owned four properties now and several lots.

You can do anything if you put your heart and energy into it. I've been truly blessed to have friends like you, Anita, Rina and Elena to help along the way. I'm also in the process of closing another deal. Good luck with your real estate investing and i wish you nothing but the best. Thanks for the comments about my parents. Yeah, i owed all my success to them, and with everyone's help, including Dean.

hows it going...

hows it going congrats on ur deals. have you done any recently? and what part of louisiana are you living in? why i ask is i live in north la. in west monroe area. ur the only louisianaian(LOL) that ive seen on here. im new to this and have read his book bout a week ago....

Your neck of the woods

Hey TDow, i'm right in your neck of the woods. I live in Farmerville area, which is 30 min from West Monroe. I started real estate investing last year after i moved here three years ago. I've owned several properties already and hopefully close another deal here in another week or two. I'm looking to expand my real estate investing in West Monroe, Monroe and Ruston area. Hit me up if i can be any assistance.


Hey Lloyd,

vchann247's picture

I've notice you got the AFF system up and running and just wanted to check up on your progress. I'm in the early stages and setting it up with the website and 800#. I also have the FAL system from Dean, but trying to make sense of it all. I'm fairly new but I will be focusing on Wholesaling and Shortsale/Preforeclosure strategies. Congrats on all your investing! Thanks!


Thanks Vic! The AFF system

Thanks Vic! The AFF system work if you maximize it. I'm talking about taking advantage of all the advertising and marketing strategies in your area. If people don't know that you buys homes and safe them from foreclosures, then the AFF system won't work as effectively as it should be. You need let everyone know that you buy real houses and everything else will snow ball from there. Good luck! Lloyd

Talofa Bro

Lloyd thanks for the introduction. I am from Fiji and we moved here to NY in 2000 as my wife was recruited by the united nations. I am currently working as a fitness trainer and I have four boys. Living in NY is hard and thats why I am venturing into this world of REI. Hopefully I will strike something. My main focus for now is to get my family our first home and stop renting before try to get some investment property.

I have been reading your website and I found it very informative and easy to understand. I am glad that I found one brother here which I can always call when I needed some advice and I hope you dont mind. My name is Viliame and I am 41 and all beat up after a lot of rugby and all from the village. Anyway Lloyd, its great to hear from you keep in touch and may be someday we should meet.

Vinaka or Thank You,
Viliame Vakasisikakala


Anitarny's picture

just sayng hi and letting you know I just acquired another one!....and what a beauty. Let me know how you are doing.


Hello Lloyd,

I don't live in Utah, but one of my business partners is going to be moving there soon. We have a real estate agent that we are searching for properties. Let me know if your interested.


That's amazing Anita!

I've always believed in you and i have no doubt that you will be a Millionare by the end of the year, if not 2010 for sure! I'm so proud of you and all your accomplishments. I'm just blessed to be part of your inner circle. Your friend for life!


Hi Lloyd

cbrindamour's picture

You got quite the following and awesome posts! Keep up all the great work!


hi, noticed your an

hi, noticed your an investor- check out **** if your active at the moment- its free and will allow you to network with thousands of local and national investors, its a great site!

