
All About efollah

Earl Follah

Topics I've Participated In

Technical problem efollah1413 years 10 weeks ago
Assignment Contract lakisha15615 years 9 weeks ago
Potential First Deal at last!!!!!!!!!! efollah216 years 21 weeks ago
Offers to Prospective Sellers efollah416 years 42 weeks ago
REOs and Condemned Properties efollah416 years 42 weeks ago

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Mainly Just This One


REOs and Condemned Properties

Hey Folks,

What do you advise about dealing with condemned properties? I saw two condemned buildings today both were quadruplexes. They were in a fairly good neighborhood. I was scared about them at first but afer reading chapter 17 of Be A Real Estate Millionaire, I was emboldened by Dean's story about one fantastic deal he executed. What are the steps to handle such cases?

I also saw a REO(quadruplex)close to a one of the colleges. There were $6,845 taxes on the property and the bank was asking for $160,000. SHOULD I GO FOR IT?