
All About kristinka

kristinka's picture
Kristina Petrosyan
Los Angeles

Topics I've Participated In

I got impatient, so I bought a property dscvdvr4915 years 5 weeks ago
Creative Ways For Finding (Secret) Foreclosures dgadmin2315 years 10 weeks ago

Basic Info

Estate Agent
No Children
Completed High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


My first try to get a deal

kristinka's picture

Hello Everyone!
I am vary new on this, but I am not new
in this real estate business.
I am a licensed real estate agent
in CA, LA
I just want to share my first coming deal with you... and I want to ask any help from experienced investors out there.
I found one condo and I have a partner
who willing to buy cash.
One of the condnos in same building that is listed in
MLS, I send an offer 20% less then what
they listed as an cash offer. But I never got any respondes from seller agent. The other unit that I found on forclosure alart, it's in default.
Loan amount is $68K my partner is willing to pay all cash becouse on market the price that they asking for same units $150K, I now we can make at list from 40K to 60K profit. But my problem is communication with the lander. Is there any sajations or help
with my project.
I will appreciate of any advice!!!

Thank you!!!

welcome kristina !!

Jay Sthilaire's picture

congrats on taking action on your deal ! i would re contact your sellers agent with the offer provided you know that it is a great deal/inspection/under fmv as for the forclosure i know there is info in other posts i have read sooo go up to the top left hand of this site where you see search/enter and enter what subject you r interested in and u should find it. good luck on all your goals !! also post your question on the forclosure subject there you have it under your guest book i hope i have gave you the right info

First deal

MyDestiny's picture

Hi kristinka,
Congratulations on joining. I'm new to the investing also. Does the website list the lender's name. What ever name is mentioned is the person I would try to contact first to determine what stage the foreclosureit is in. Once that is determined if it is still in the owners hand then you approach the owner with the negotiaitions. Just make sure you preview the condition of the property before you make an offer. If it is in the banks hands then there is either a realtor involved or the owner must list it at some point. Did you try searching the Mls for previous listing which will give you owner info? If it is in the banks hands I would offer an eve lower price than 68k depending on the repairs if any. Hpoe tis helps you. Keep me posted. Much success to you....Lubertha

Hi Kristina

John A's picture

Just wanted to say hi & welcome you to the DG site Smiling Don't hesitate to ask me anything about REI to help you on your way to success, so ask away & stay in touch on your progress...

Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.

Thank you!

kristinka's picture

I would like to thank everyone who respond to me.... I took a break for some time but I am back to Investment project agen, so I hope I will have success on new deals.... I hope I will have suport from you guys agen !!! Smiling