Weekly Wisdom #258 - Roar!

Yep, that’s the sound a lion makes and it means today is your time to find your power. In this video Dean reveals an exercise that you will use to zero in on the dangers, opportunities and strengths in your life. Grab a piece of paper and get ready to see your life from a whole new, exciting perspective.

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Weekly Wisdom # 258 - DOS

Hello Dean: When I first heard of your DOS concept.I thought of the DOS system of computer technology. I do like this approach of identifying our Dangers, Opportunities, and our Strengths. As far as I'm concerned, the DANGER I am faced with is worrying about where the funds will come from. Now that I know that the OPPORTUNITY to invest in Real Estate properties could be achieved through the concept of "No Money Down", I am ready to do what is necessary to make my first deal a reality with more conviction. As for my STRENGTH, I am not a quitter and I do believe that as long as there is life there is hope.

#258 ROAR

Hi Dean,

Thank you for the encouragement! This is a great exercise you have for us. I AM SUCCESSFUL! Hear me ROAR!

God Bless,


Like A Lion

jcllc7's picture

Yes, Dean, I did laugh when you used that squeaky voice. However, I am going to follow your instructions when I do the DOS conversation. Thanks.