Weekly Wisdom #251 - Part of the Solution

It’s super easy to blame everyone or everything else for our unfavorable circumstances. While we all have things happen that are outside of our control, too often we take the position that we don’t have any power to make positive changes. This is the tension between a problem and solution mindset. One makes you a victim, the other makes you an overcomer. The feeling of powerlessness can contribute to victim like thinking, and because we don't like feeling that we are powerless, we can easily begin to blame someone or something for causing that feeling. Dean’s message here can help you identify faulty thinking and beliefs that hold you back.

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part of solution

Great weekly wisdom as always!There are situations when not only you are 100% part of the problem. I am always blaming myself for all the problems that I know I am part of, and trying to find solutions by myself when is not enough communication (as your mentioned in your video) between the parts involved, the process is dragging and time is flying, we are all frustrated..... Anyway, I will try to solve the problems as much as I can. I'll do my best.


Weekly wisdome #251 Part of the solution

Well stated Dean.

I too have a saying that an older colleague once stated to me and it states, "Trying is Dieing, Just Do It!" I live by this because it is true. The only thing you are mandated in life to do is DIE every thing else is in your hands. When you are pointing at some one else take a look at your fingers and count how many are pointing back at you. For me I need to keep looking forward and take my past as experience and take what I can use today and apply it and leave the rest in my bag of experiences. I am only able to do today what I am able to do today, tomorrow is the future and I need not future trip. What I do at this moment will affect the next. I work on staying focused and that is what keeps me on track.

thanks again Dean for the reminder of words. It is always refreshing to hear some one else speak of their insight.

Drake L.

Greatest Calamity

dozier2013-2013's picture

The greatest calamity is not to have failed; but to have failed to try.

The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is the way a man uses them.

Thanks To All, Charles

it ha s been a tough summer

hi dean have not been on for a while we bought a house from a motivated seller, turned it from a 2br to a5 br, cap rate on this one is going to be about 38 percent , iam getting one of my other properties ready to rent again, i have been very busy with the properties, would like to come back to las vegas to one of the events, maybe next year i try to watch your weekly vidios as much as i can they help keep me motivated, there have been a few bumps in the road this summer,we did get away for a great vacation in glenwood colorado ,ha d a family reunion, went white water rafting for the very first time it was a blast


Sometimes we have a problem because of us, sometimes because of others. Or we are born into a problem that even though it wasn't initially ours it becomes part of us. I consider that's my case. We play the role o the victim to relieve our pain even though it's not the solution. We freeze. We let the problem linger. but we have to realize that no one is going to solve our problem. It is us who has to look for a solution. It is me who has to do whatever is necessary to come out of that situation and move forward. It is me who has to take ownership and look for a solution.

Maybe by sharing with others we can heal our wounds,soothe our pain. But ultimately, the solution must come from within ourselves. We have to have faith we can do it. If others can do it, I can too.


AlThien's picture

Thank you very much for the help.

Get Out Of Victim Mode

Have not been on the site lately, went back to work, but do not want to continue playing the victim role. This information was perfect today. Will be so happy to get this deal going,a few people I have been working with seem to want to get something and give nothing in return I must move own...... and own to the next deal, until I make it happen.

Dean -- I have been listening

Dean -- I have been listening but I am up to my neck in six slum houses -- I told to jump in and I did.



Dean thanks for speaking the truth and being honest.Birds of a feather flock together everyone sails their own ship meaning in life we all have freewill and have to take responsiblity for our actions and answer for the decisions we make.If someone isnt happy in life dont start finding someone to try to blame your problems on start fixing your problems.People bring alot of problems upon their selves and other people can only do to you that that you allow their might be times where someone might get over on you but then you sharpen up and learn and dont allow that person to get over on you again.Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me.You have to keep plowing and get it done never give up nobody likes a quitter when things get tough the tough get going.

weekly wisdom #251 part of the solution

I watched this one around three times I think.
What a fantastic one. It reminds me of myself and like others too we blame others, but we could be part of the problem and we must! be part of the solution!
I bet its really hard to do, but I am sure it
can be done if we take the time to think of our why!
our true why! our deep why!


Problems - Solutions

Hi Dean,
Have been on vacation visiting family in California but not before putting my latest flip on the market. Now I need a buyer! Contractor is working on another for rental. I may not always post, but I do appreciate your weekly visits. It's a constant reminder to stay focused and make things happen. My problem, along with many others I'm sure, is finding the financing to keep moving so that you're not always waiting for one to sell before purchasing the next. I keep reminding myself that it's all baby steps and one day the momentum will kick in.
Thanks again Dean for always being positive, I love your spirit.

Working on it

My wife is a little skeptic about real estate investments but that is not going to slow me down.

I am part of the solution

Hi Dean. Thank you for your insight. I am reading your book totally fulfilled, and you talk about looking for solutions. Thank you for being part of the solution for all of us !!!!!!



ladyresearch's picture


Please note that I am NOT trying to undermine anyone else's comments in this blog by leading off with my subject and the beginning of my comments.

In one sales seminar, we were told that if we cannot change our friends into more positive people then we need to change our friends.

Hurt people (I will not use the word negative) who have not had their pain resolved, keep living and talking about their hurt.

They can be hurt because of their parent or parents, family environment, sibling or siblings, school memories, adult disappointments, frustrations, their marriage, their child or children, etc.

The longer the hurt is imbedded into our minds and hearts, the harder it is to move past it.

Successful people also struggle with hurt as Dean said in this blog about himself. That is why listening to him is important because his "advice" is not theoretical. It comes from personal experience and struggle. In his honesty, he admits that struggle is never over; however, with practice, we can make recovering from the struggle easier and faster.

I am a very hurt person with unresolved issues (the other party or parties refuse to talk and settle matters that are mutually agreeable ... they like us to keep up our struggle) who has had to keep moving forward so as to not get run over by my pain.

I know very well that as soon as I go to the hurt place from a good place, that I need to check it immediately and not let myself brood for hours, days and even weeks.

That makes our "hurters" win. Have you noticed (I have noticed) that they just keep skipping along in their lives without even a hint of caring that they left "dead" bodies in their wake?

If you attempt to talk to them and satisfactorily resolve issues ... because you want them to understand you, be empathetic and be an agreeable friend, they even laugh in your face and say, "You're too sensitive" or "I was just kidding" and will not face the harm they do to another person's mental and emotional well being.

People with hurt need to stop caring about straightening out their hurters' opinion, view and relationship with them. It won't happen. The hurters' will not take responsibility for their behaviors and like to say it's the other person who "took them wrong".

People with hurt need to start caring about themselves and straighten out their opinion of themselves.

When those hurters see one of their victims becoming more confident and successful, they either start with their hurting tactics to undermine them or, suddenly, they want to be chum buddies.

Yes, victims, because they know very well how they are treating people and that they are hurting ... they just brush it off and keep putting the blame on others and not accepting responsibility for their own behaviors.

That's when those who have survived their hurt and moved on can say, "No thank you", and walk away with heads held high with confidence and joy in their hearts.

Even if not successful or as successful as we'd like, we can still walk away with joy in our hearts, confidence and good opinions of ourselves. That's because we can keep moving forward and improving. The hurters (have you noticed?) stay the same.

I know the solution and am moving forward.

shinton's picture

Before I was half through listening to this week's weekly wisdom, I knew it was meant for me. I've been dealing with something and was not feeling good about it, but I wasn't the problem. That was, until just now. I realize I AM part of the problem. I know what the solution needs to be. This will make things easier for my business, because I won't be preoccupied and can move forward. Dean, thank you for always giving us a weekly wisdom and thank you for being a part of the solution by sharing. I feel excited to move forward and watch my relationships and business have positive results. God DOES work in mysterious ways. I would never have thought the answer was by tuning in this week. Thanks, again.

Take Responsibility- Start becoming part of the solution

This Weekly Wisdom was very insightful. Your words of wisdom are encouraging, they will help me take a closer look at my life and see how I can make the adjustments to become more productive. Thank you for sharing.

face the problem

you sound so relaxed, the problem is mindset all to often. But it's much easier to shift the guilt as you said. I need to move my foot in front of the other, not blaming anyone. You have great patience, thank you for always demonstrating, it seems to allow you to break it down more easily.
Enjoy & Until

Always a pleasure

All I can say is thank you dean:-)


Time for a change.

Part of the Solution

Hello Dean

Thank you very much for your always open our eyes and mind to possibilities. Yes you are correct with this topic. We have a choice problem is always there but the questions is are going to be the problem or the SOLUTIONS! Being a Solutions is not part of our daily norms these day their always something will try to drag you down. There will be a lot of times that I fall but I got up and dust it and try again.

God Bless,


blaming others

Hi Dean. It is easy to blame others. Thanks for the advise


PaulYoung4ever's picture

Thanks for keeping me on the right track. I have just gone through a tough situation. I fell into the trap you are talking about and started blaming my problems on everybody else. You are absolutely right. That get's you nowhere. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. Thank you for being who you are and caring about those of us who look to you for help.

Yep! Thats It

Dean,thats the truth alright. I have choices I can make. And that's the power I have that if I channel it right, I can choose to find, look for solutions. I appreciate the nugget of reality.You are awesome and I appreciate you for the time and efforts you put in to seeing other people make it.

Part Of The Solution ww#251

I love this video blog just love it. It reminds me of myself with a few other family members how we blame others for not making something happen for yourself.

Man those words that you used that no one has authority over us,

they do not control us.

That is so powerful to hear! that.

If you have to go around them, over them,
dig a tunnel under them whatever it takes!

Just love this video blog!
So I get the message on this one!
Become the Victor! and NOT! the Victim.

Thank you so much Dean!!!

to dean

I just have move into house was waiting for internet to be hook up now I ready

Thank you! We need to

bahney's picture

Thank you! We need to believe in ourselves!

Another Great One!

Man! don't you ever make bad video blogs?
Everyone I have ever watched are great! and educational!

Thank you!! Dean.

*Love it...

[Choose to take responsibility
and hold yourself accountable!]

fixing the Fear

armendariz5's picture

We could know, like we all do about are self, the things that are minds are telling us, and try to change them, but if we been doing something most of our lives, that way, how can we change if were not trained to change our old habits.I know Anthony Robbins say's you can change in a heart beat, and I am sure that true, but how do we stay in that change and not fall back to old ways?
Do you know how bad i want something like this in my life to work for me.I 've tried a lot of different things,networkMarketing,Direct selling,other Real Estate programs,I've got tapes from Nightingale,how to make money,how to change my ways to a better life,Tony Robbins tapes, been to his seminar. I have some of your books and read them,Think a Little Different,Edge 9,10,11.Order the rock bottom blue print,sign up for Insider Elite and was platinum, watch and studied Daily wisdom's,watched Edge 12,other Platinum programs, I truly enjoy listening to you, and all the great information that you share and the Leaders share threw Insider elite.
One of my thought's are,I would like to be one of your Teacher's one day,because by then I will know what others are struggling thru and i fill i will be able to truly help them.
But first of all I need to find out what is truly Holding me back.Yes., I know It's FEAR! But what is the FEAR, I ask?
Ok! enough is enough,how do I change it?

I asked the question? I found the Answer, I need a Mentor or Coach, but the problem is that I used up all my savings.

Dean you always do amazing things, from the daily Wisdoms, free website, Insiders elite, but have you ever thought of give a student free training or free coaching, i think would be just as amazing as a give a way house, that of course is great too and I know you already give house's away.I think, but thats my thought when you train someone for free, part of that give away should be that the person that won the free training has to sign a contract and turn around and train someone else on your site for Free.
