Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #132 - Help the People of Joplin by Watching This

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog
This week's Blog is going to teach you what is really important when choosing a cash flow property.

But even better, you'll actually raise money for the devastated town of Joplin Missouri.

Unlike so many of the email scams you may have seen, (where you're promised to be sent $1,000 by Bill Gates for clicking), this is real.

Everyone who watches this video will help raise money to help the good people affected by the tornado of May 22nd. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore life to a hurting community. Thank you.


God Bless

First post ever!!

First dean thank you for all your hard work and dedication and feels real good being part of a family that loves to help other in need...keep up the great work and inspiration..

Great Idea!

Excellent idea and thank you for sharing your great fortune and hard work with others!


dynamix's picture

Anytime there is a chance to help a group of people its amazing, I remembered how the world stops and help my people in Haiti and I am with the cause...thanks so much on their behalf.

Video Blog # 132

Hi Dean & Matt,
Thanks so much for your awesome example in raising funds for those who suffered in Joplin. I have checked "like" in FB and have posted the blog on my wall for my friends and family members to check it out in supporting this awesome cause. God bless you both and DG family for helping our suffering brothers & sisters and their families in Joplin.

Helping Others

That is a great thing you are doing on our behalf, thank you, and God Bless You. Whis I had money to just do it myself, but I don't so thanks again.

Eric Jawdropping!

Let us help too.

Lorrie's picture

Thanks Dean....but is there someway you can set up a shopping cart or something so we can donate too. We can all help to get it up to $ 50,000. with your help!!!! Over 600 already said they liked it on facebook. Kick in 10 bucks each and that's another $6,000 to add to the cause. Or $50. each...that's like giving up only one night out for dinner & cocktails and I would challenge you to match whatever we put in...this could really cost ya! Keep up the good work!



" Feeling The Love"

Skip's picture

Dean & Matt,

It was a distinct honor and privilege to meet you both at the EDGE. Your leadership, generosity and encouragement are limitless.

"Keep doing what you do & being Great Stewarts"

Amazing Idea

Wonderful idea - helping those in need is the way to live and give.


We are near Joplin and we went last weekend to help with cleanup. To witness destruction of the tornado was very humbling. The outpouring of volunteers was staggering, many thousands have trekked to Joplin to help. Thanks for your offer Dean.

Helping People in Need!

Thanks Dean and Matt! The people in Joplin and all the surrounding areas need all the help they can get. That was an AWESOME idea and I already watched the video and liked it! Great Job! My thoughts and prayers are with them!

way to go

Hey DG family! We can do better than $20,000 right?

To the people of Joplin - our prayers are with you!

You Never Cease To Amaze Me!

Great idea Dean! I hope you can reach your goal.


Joplin cause

This is he right thing to do!! Great idea.


Way to go DG. GReat cause.

Joplin cause

sure do like that idea of matching for donations - lets's go DG family!!!!!

Great Job!

Great Job!

Great Idea Dean!!

Roger Magnuson's picture

Send a dollar for me!


kilthau's picture

That's awesome Dean. You and Matt make a difference. Great idea!

excellent idea

Yes Dean and Matt, this is excellent idea, the folks in Joplin are in need of everything big time. God Bless . Halina

helping out

hope for better . your effort will be rewarded .


I'm always ready to help the next person.Lets do this

that good that we can

that good that we can somebody and that the way God want us to do it better to give then receive



Thanks so much for agreeing to help out the people of Joplin. I have friends there and have been there many times. I am sure they all will appreciate the assistance.

Awesome Idea Dean!

I've always defended you and your ethics and I think it's awesome what your doing!

Thank You

Great Video and I'll do my part to share and like!!

Jolpin Help

yedinak's picture

Great job Dean & Matt

Great Cause

johnspardella's picture

Good call Dean, I hope everyone who watched the video leaves a comment and or, "Likes" it.

Best to all on Joplin!

i love to help

sday's picture

If this help you to make donation and helping to raise $$
I be glad to do it !!