Dean just returned from a week of travel and he's on fire in this blog.
He talks about the difference between struggling for years to achieve your goals and jumping in the express lane.
He covers so many important points in this video blog, that listing them all would be futile. So I'll just ask you to be prepared to listen fast and absorb another great message.
wekkly blog
Hey Dean
thank you very much for this weeks blog, don't know how but, I'm glad how you seem to say or put in the right words or messages, all I can say is thank you.
Cesar Mendoza
I like your spontaneity
On my second book. Slowly I'm reading, taking in and analyzing every word, every paragraph. Sometimes stopping to picture in my mind how great it would feel to actually know what steps to take, what words to use and when to use them.I have seen at least one maybe two killer deals pass me by in these last couple weeks.Unsure of myself, they got away from me.Thanks for the blogs. They put step back in my step.See you next week.Until then, I'll be replaying old blogs, taking notes,and printing forms. Might even make that call to meet with a real estate broker.
I'm in a controlling financial situation (won't go into detail on a public forum). I have no job & receive foodstamps. However, I DO have the cutest little 2 y/o boy & 4 y/o girl that deserve to have the best life possible!
Can I nominate myself? PLEEEASE???? I talked to Steve from your Success Academy yesterday & he thinks I have what it takes but I don't even have the minimum to invest in your Academy. I don't want to have to use the "old school" method of working hard to get somewhere, & your Success Academy would be my answer to getting on the fast track to working SMART instead.
Please pick me, I'll make you proud!!
this weeks blog
Deans thanks for all you and your team do. But the fact of the matter is, a lot of us want the things that real estate investing can bring us but jsut cant get on track to get there (life in the way). Well i went to one of your events last weekend and this quote flashed on the screen-
IF YOU'RE NOT COMMITED TO YOUR DESTINY, NO GUIDENCE SYSTEM CAN HELP YOU! This is so true, because we can read, watch or attend events but unless we're COMMITED, we're just not going to get there!
I don't comment too often, but I watch all of them.
And when I talk about what I am doing now and people question others who teach investing and how they just ask for more and more money from the students. I love telling them why you are different. I did try a couple others, and never have learned so much, so easily before. Your books alone are so good and we can do so much with just that knowledge.
You give us the support and tools we need to turn our lives around. And it doesn't cost us anything but our time to listen.
Thank you for all you put into this. You have a true compassion to help all us and I love to brag about you and your training.
My life has all of a sudden, started taking off and I can't wait for the next couple months to see where all this goes.
So with a sincere heart THANKS!!
Helping Others
Wow, Dean you are so inspiring and on fire with your passion for helping others, I am so grateful to be able to be a part of your online family.
You always seem to say what I am feeling, and it is great to know that others out there can feel the same way that I do.
I think it is wonderful of you to pick a family that need assistance, I think you are a really awesome person, may God continue to bless you and your family. Thanks so much!
Thanks DEAN
Hi Dean
Great idea! i know that i have't done anything
as yet, but hope to have something going on soon.
I also thank all DG family for their advice and encouragement.
The Express Lane
great blog-reminds us that there is really no greater joy than that of helping someone else; ... even small things can have a big impact...
thank you for giving us your weekly blogs!
The difference...
between you, Dean, and those other real estate gurus out there trying to sell their techniques, is that you are sincere and you really care about others. From reading all your blogs and seeing all you do for the DG family, it is obvious that it is from the heart that you reach out to help us all succeed. I agree with a previous post that you truly have a heart of gold... a rare thing in a man in your position. Shirley/SC
Helping a Family in Need
These are the things that make you special and make you stand out in a crowd of people. Like you say, if someone wants something badly enough, they will do what it takes to get it. However, when some people do get it, they think that they are on top of the world. I have heard some people say they are beginning to believe that there is no God, just because they have made money they never thought they would. Unlike these people, you are always willing to help. Some of these people were in worst situations than you or I could ever have been. Yet, they chose to forget what it feels like to be there because now, they have money. I like talking to you and the DG family. You care about people and so does your DG family. You want to help them help themselves. You have a great personality. Keep it up!
Most recent blog
Hello Dean: Struggling IN atty here. Business is just not the same as it used to be. Just turned 50. Lots of mess in my past, but I really do believe you are the real deal. Thanks for the pep talk.
Great Blog Dean!
Hi Dean, another week with much wisdom from the man! Thanks for the insight and the motivation!
Thanks for the motivation . Thats the stuff we need to move forword . It's good to help others in need. Thanks
Blog # 121
Hi Dean,
It was great to see you in Las Vegas and signing my book. Thanks for the reminder of I am doing the things I do. I am always thinking I am going so slow. I will put one foot in front of the other until I get this right. Thank you for your Blogs. They keep me and others going. Tracey
So True!
Great vlog Dean
It really is true as you peel back the layers of reasons using that method of 7 degrees. I hope to repay or to pay forward some deeds that helped my family out in a desperate time of need. Although that hope always seems to come after the immediate goals of self preservation and family first, so you don't see them until you peel back the layers as you say...... intersting. Thanks again Dean for the insight.
going deep
I must say after questioning my true raional for wanting to achieve financial freedom is to help sread love!
thanks dean>>>