Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #118 - How to Drop Your Stress Level INSTANTLY

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This blog is AWESOME! Today Dean is going to give you his very own secret to getting things done.

If you are time pressed and often stressed over not accomplishing enough, here is your FREE solution!

You will also hear an update on our private lending, our property buying, and he blows the whistle on his "whistle" - (you gotta watch to get it).

AND...if you haven't heard yet, we have a super informative FREE training call Tuesday and you don't want to miss it!

So stop reading this and start watching Dean.

Good Advise

Stress reduction list! I'll put it into practice, thank you. I pray that my state will be among those five you are starting with for a hard money lender. That will be a great blessing.
Thanks for all you do for us. More blessings to you and your staff!

Thanks for the blog, Dean.

SuperBee's picture

I haven't logged onto in a few weeks. I had to play catch up. Been going through a lot. But everything will work out okay for me and my family.

I actually dug into the bowels of this site a while back, and got to see your original yellow pad video. It made a lot of sense. Now I'm inspired to go out and get a new pack of yellow pads. There's a pad next to me right now, but it's really my husband's. We've been working on a few projects together. We're planning on moving across the country this year. It'll be so nice if we can find a nice handyman's special to work on together. Smiling

Thanks for thinking of the little people, Dean.
(The most successful people do.Eye-wink)


*******Good Idea********

HI Dean been busy lately thanks for the Pad idea going to used it.


thanks dean for shareing that bit of info with us,just that alone can help many of us here on the web to really get things in order,i have done wht u ask and got some good results and also can get other things lined up to move forward thanks to all.

Thank you Dean

Lex Templar's picture

I'm back after being away for a long time. Since I'm back to square one, I decided to take some time and watch all of your Vlogs. I have to say that I had the most wonderful eye opening time watching them and doing the free exercises in your Vlogs.
I learned so much about myself doing the 7 levels. I learned that it's not only about me and my family but I also want to be an educator and motivator for others.
In documenting my time I realized that I would organize and clean my house spotless, and do everything else under the Sun in order not to confront the fear of talking to-HELLO-Buyers! and the reason I don't have a buyers list is because I'm not consistent in making one.
I'm inspired, I'm moved and I'm making the correct changes in my discipline and schedule in order to make it happen and be an inspiration for others. I'm looking forward to a brighter future and it feels awesome. Thank you and your staff. Thanks for this site, the DG'ers in this site are all so inspiring and real and I'll be meeting you soon brother.

Thank you, again. I have my

Julie Koerner's picture

Thank you, again. I have my yelow pad!


Yellow Notepad

Serendipity's picture

This is so helpful because I was bookmarking things and my mind was racing. I am a newbie. So, thanks a lot for this info.

Great Information as always...

Dean is there any specific reason you choose the color yellow for the pad, versus white or any other color? Maybe theres no reason, I just thought I'd ask. Thank you

Yellow Pad Paper

Weekly Video Blog #118 - How to Drop Your Stress Level INSTANTLY
Hi Dean, I bought your products and their great. I have a question, on video blog #118 why did you use a yellow pad and a black writing instrument. Maybe theres some significance?
Thank you for being great!

Yellow Pads

SuperBee's picture

Got a fresh pack of yellow pads... Can't wait to see what kind of damage I'm going to do with them! Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!! Laughing out loud

Hey Dean!

Wow! Playing catch up!
Computer (VISTA) crashed for one last time. Have been w/out the web since 2/25/11.
Another great blog Dean!, Thanks! I too have to have pen and paper, we're just old school when it comes to that, I guess. I just don't like to look for things, I like to pick it up and look at it instantly. Well, got to go.... Have lots of blogs and a call from Matt Larson to listen too. See Ya,


Yellow Tablet

Thanks Dean I appreciate the reminder of the Yellow Tablet for keeping us organized. Another Great Blog.



Revolutionary. I will be stocking up on yellow pads. Thanks Dean.


Thanks Dean I appreciate the stress relief/ time managment and planing tips.