Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #301 - Learning From Your Kids!

Dean takes some time to share a few powerful lessons he has learned straight from his kids! Sound silly? Well, it happens more than you think!

AND the best thing about it... These are the same exact things you can place in your business or personal life for MASSIVE shifts in your momentum.

Thank you!

See yourself as who you want to be and be just that!

Keep going !

dglloyd's picture

Thanks for the reminder, Dean ! Sometimes hard to keep thinking this way when we come across roadblocks, so thank you for bringing it back around and reminding us ! You are the BEST ! (seriously, I just watched a video from another good RE guru, but it was pretty "boring" Smiling THANK YOU so MUCH !

WOW! Look what you started!!

You must sleep very well at night knowing how many people you have helped and guided to a person as well as a professional.
I've been away, but checked in periodically snd
have always been amzed by your Weekly Wisdom
comments and how they are always spot on! And, of course, did not dare Not to take the time to read the dgfam comments which often contain some excellent ideas following your lead. Looking forward to my own success this next year with Matt's Masters Class as my guide. Semper Fi

WOW! Look what you started!!

You must sleep very well at night knowing how many people you have helped and guided to a person as well as a professional.
I've been away, but checked in periodically snd
have always been amzed by your Weekly Wisdom
comments and how they are always spot on! And, of course, did not dare Not to take the time to read the dgfam comments which often contain some excellent ideas following your lead. Looking forward to my own success this next year with Matt's Masters Class as my guide. Semper Fi

Wisdom 301

Great information Dean.I like this wisdom that you talked about.Living the now and learning from kids.Being the now also.Thanks Dean.


Dean thanks for the wisdom of knowledge.Yes at times we can learn a lot from our kids in the now.Thanks.

Yet more golden nuggets!!!

geowgray4u2c's picture

You stoke motivation, which pumps me up. If I have to modify my goals, so be it, but I will not be defeated by my own negative thinking.

Great Wisdom Always

Dean, you are right everything starts with a thought, you have to believe it before you see it.

Thanks Ray


Hi Dean went over last weeks weekly and this weeks weekly wisdom again and makes me realize how impt. it is for me to forget about excuses and focus on solutions and what I want in life ...sometimes when something happens in my life I allow that situation or person to affect my life in a negative way by absorbing myself completely and not allowing myself the freedom to think beyond the circumstance until I get the situation resolved / what I need to do is take my eyes off the obstacle, focus on available solutions and move forward instead of getting stuck in a rut causing me to not move forward.....Have a great rest of week for you and your staff!! Thanks again for your unending persistence in allowing us to grow as a DG FAM

Good Message

Yes you can learn from your kids. The message was enlightening.
Thanks Dean.