Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #300 - Without Confidence, Nothing Works.

If you watched the livecast last week, you may remember Dean talking about confidence. Starts with a commitment then comes the courage, capabilities and THEN you're confident. When confidence begins, that's when the results start.

Do yourself a favor and take Dean's challenge this week, stop thinking... You'll be amazed by how your life and mindset will change!

P.S. If you didn't get enrolled in Matt's live training, go check out the detials now before it's too late CLICK HERE

What stops your confidence?

Charisse Rudolph's picture

How about a spouse? I had found several deals a few years ago. One was a 4 plex. I had figured out all the ins and outs. We even went to an attorney to ask questions. It looked like a fantastic deal and my husband put the brakes on. He was not confident that it would work out, even though the attorney, his best friends who were visiting (who have done very well for themselves) and I went over everything over and over. HE finally said, That I could go ahead and do the deal, but he didn't want any part of it. Then I found another deal, where the owner would not charge us anything for a year, which would give us time to remodel, and find a buyer to rent and own. Again, my husband pulled the plug. Thank goodness, I was able to work a deal out with the ranch we own, but we will still need to pay it off in the next three years, or we could lose it. I run a nonprofit here that helps veterans with PTSD. I would hate to lose all we have worked for. What stops confidence, your spouse. How do you not let your spouses lack of confidence affect your life? I would LOVE to know!!! PS Thank You so much for getting us such a great price on the Tony Tickets in San Jose. Unleash your power was great!

I am sort of tired of

I am sort of tired of hearing the word real and estate. This is a game of the modern day real estates. If I were the authority I would have made a garden or a eco park.


HomeRoots's picture

Yes, I'm in.