Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdon #168 - Identify Your Reason, Season & Lifetime People

A recent trip inspired this Weekly Wisdom episode. Dean encourages you to take time to be intentional, even thankful for everyone in your life.

Now if you're thinking, "Dean, you want me to be thankful for the jerk that cut me off on the freeway?!" ..don't miss the point.

There's a poem that suggests people come into your life for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime and you fill the same role for others as well.

As you watch this video, think about your family, friends, colleagues, real estate agents and other business or personal acquaintances. Ask yourself,
“What am I best equipped to help this person with?...What are they best equipped to help me with?” You'll walk away with a renewed perspective
of your place in the world and theirs. Enjoy!

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armendariz5's picture

Dean don't have to explain why your Daughter is with you.It's just alwsome
your spending time with her.The first time she was on Video, she was so little, now look at her, growing up so fast.Thank you so being so real and sharing your family with us. that make's so personal.Love to hear from you all the time.

God Bless, Armednariz5


theprofessional's picture

That is true that some people just come into ourlives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. That's funny that you should mention that because I actually have just heard that from somewhere else!

Thank you for sharing your personal life

PaulYoung4ever's picture

I am seventy years old, and am just learning the importance of choosing my friends. I can't back up and change things in the past, but I can change the future by going after the friends I want to share my life with. I have been to Salt Lake City a couple of times, and I agree it is the most awsome city I have ever visited. Thanks again for sharing these important bits of wisdom. It is who you are, and why you are successful.


and that was a great post indeed...I think we all need to do house cleaning around that from time to time..and honour the endings and the freedom offered to them and ourselves as well as love the beginnings.

You guys are a gorgeous sight, hats off to her mom as well--

thanks again!
Sid in Tuscany

Thank you!

I am new (attended a seminar last night & first workshop will be next week) and am excited about working with someone who has their values in the right place. You wrote, "Now if you're thinking, 'Dean, you want me to be thankful for the jerk that cut me off on the freeway?!'..." My mama always said that is exactly what you should do. There is a reason you needed to slow down & that they may have saved you from an accident farther up the road.

My husband lost his wallet once when we were trying to leave town to visit my sister. We spent almost 2 hours looking for it & found it under the floor mat of the van where we had both looked several time. He was furious, but I assured him there was a reason it happened. As it turned out, there was a fatal accident on the interstate. Had we left on time, it could have been us that died that day.

Thank you for coming to my area & allowing me the opportunity to change my life!

The Reason

Kasi Phillips's picture

Thanks for this inspiration. It reminds me of why I continue to push. Overall we do it for our families to live a better life and ourselves.

Thanks Dean

Thanks, I needed the boost

Richlee's picture

At 78, I am trying everything I can do for my daughter who was diagnosed with Parkinson at age 40. Now after 13 years she has two teenagers, and her husband divorced her several years ago. Recently my wife and I have organized a golf tournament the end of March to raise funds and awareness for Parkinson's research. This morning I have been feeling down because players and sponsors have not been stepping up to participate. The clock is ticking both for the tournament and my daughter.

Your words this morning sitting with your daughter, gave me a needed boost to keep the faith and continue trying to make this event happen to help her. I never thought that in my lifetime that there would be the prospect me outliving my children. Helping her must be one of those reasons I'm here.

Thanks Dean

Hey Dean

thebossspringsteenfan's picture

Hey Dean, your daughter is so adorable, growing up so fast. Nice to see you take her to work with you. Great blog as always. See ya soon!


Dean, I certainly appreciate

Dean, I certainly appreciate your encouraging words. Know that I consistently benefit from them. Your blogs lift me up, especially when I'm feeling scared to take the next step...your words encourage me to take the next baby step forward. You positively impact my life - and not just in the investment arena. THANK YOU.

So True

JoshV's picture

One of my favorite quotes a minister once said, "In order to aspire in life, you must conspire, with those who inspire you, to aspire."
Thanks Dean for another great message.

Relationship Comments

Your daughter is CUTE! Just last week at church, our pastor was teaching on that very same thing. His message was on how to value godly relationships. The just of what he said was what you mentioned, some people don't need to be in your life, but other relationships are designed to get you to your next level or where God is ready to take you. We need good relationships, we need right relationships, and you are the right real estate relationship for us at this time in our life. Your not only teaching us how to do real estate, but also, encouraging us not to listen to those that haven't been where we are trying to go. Just want to say looking forward to seeing you here in North Charleston,SC on 2/11. I appreciate you! Be Blessed.

Thank you Dean

steve and veronica's picture

Thanks Dean for once again another great blog of weekly wisdom. Glad to see you with your daughter Dean. Spend as much time as you can with your kids.

Sorry I am late with my response we were out in Florida Sun, Mon and Tues. Looking into our big REI move.

Thanks for all that you do for us Dean.


Identify Your Reason, Season & Lifetime People

That was such an awesome blog about your daughter Brianna, it's amazing how God even uses Children to impact our lives, on a daily basis. Their minds are full of new ideas, dreams, etc. The same way our minds should be. And yes, I totally agree, people do come and go in our lives for a season, or a lifetime. I truely believe God will aline the right people in your path, as well as resources. Everything is in the timing of God's hands. The bible states in Ecclesiastes Chapter 3:1 "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven".

Thanks once again for a powerful awesome blog with you and your daughter.

God bless,

Have a nice day!!

Thank You Dean

People do come into our life for so many reasons,I met a few people at your seminar and will net work with them to see what will happen. Still working on funds, hope I can buy one of your other houses the next time around.

Thanks Dean

faygrad's picture

Dean - Thank you for your weekly wisdom #168! Very insightful. I love that your daughter was part of your videoblog this week--Breana is so cute & precious. I applaud you - as she is already making a difference in this world by giving to Locks of Love.

Thanks again for these weekly words of wisdom: mini personal development nuggets as I call them!


Great words Dean!

Hi Dean. Great words on this blog. Your daughter is precious! I'm looking forward to meeting you in April. I'm a newbie and just signed up for the success academy. I'm bound and determined to be successful in real estate investing. I've never made a lateral career move and I don't plan on it now! I just left a job where I grossed $192K last year. So, needless to say, I'm serious and motivated. We'll talk more when we meet. To remind you who I am when we meet, my name is Dave McNamara but I'll say "Big Mac" as a trigger reminder for ya'!

Thanks Dean,

Dave ("Big Mac")

Great Blog

Hi Dean: Your daughter Brianna,is a beautiful girl, I think spending the day with your children,is a good idea. The blogs are always so good,and you always have such great news to share with everyone. I like the idea about the properties,also. Thanks again Carol In Texas

Reason, Season or a Lifetime..

Mari's picture

Your daughter is adorable, beautiful thing she is doing for others and nice of you to get the word out. The advice of people come into our lives for a Reason, Season or a Lifetime fits me in so many ways right now you have no idea. What captivated me even more though is when you said we are the owners of our own destiny. Thanks for all the wonderful advice you give us every week. God Bless.


P.S -was able to speak to phillip on a conference call tuesday. Told him I was one of your students.

Go Dean...

Great blog

Dean what another great blog...yet so profound it's a lesson well learned that we all need to take to heart.What more can I say...
Thanks again Dean and by the way your daughter is so cute...It's a wonderful and beautiful things she did for charity.

cutie pie

Hello Dean, Brianna is so cute and look like very shy. I do believe what ever happen in our life there is a reason. I took real estate class last year 90 hours and i took the exam but i did not pass, suddenly your company send me a flyer about become an Investor.
Thanks for all your work and advice.
God Bless you

God send little angels.

Dean have to say, Brianna your daughter, is an adorable little angel, a true beauty queen, heartbreaker of the future. That child truly has a huge heart. Both you and your wife have done well with those values and morals, you are also a true inspiration to us out here as well. Thank you so much for your encouragement and not giving up thought. You have a strong constitution, and your character shines bright. God put you in the best place possible to help all those you care about at, you are truly doing your calling. Thank you again, look forward to meeting you in the future, take care god bless, you are a so down to earth kind of individual, we really appreciate all you stand for, you are so great to your family, have a wonderful week. Maureen

Weekly Wisdom #168


Your daughter Briana is so beautiful, and you are such a great role-model father, spending time with your daughter. That's awesome, Dean. Your blog this time is so encouraging and right on. Thank you for believing in each one of us and never giving up on us. Personally to me, you're for a reason and for a life time, not just for a season! I like to hang around you because you're so positive, so encouraging and always believing in us that we can be more than successful if we keep going and keep on keeping on until we get our first deal, and moving on to the second, third and fourth, etc. With a mentor like you I know I could do it and even be more than an over-comer, more than a successful REInvestor. Thank you so much & God bless you!

Hi I'm new to this website,

Hi I'm new to this website, however, I felt I had to comment as I believe people come into your life for a reason. I also love your message of optimism and never giving up, when I saw the show for the seminars I felt that it may have been more than chance, I decided to go to one of your seminars this week and no one really believes that I can do anything different. I have nothing but negativity and they have tried to put me off, but I believe that if you don't try something new you never achieve anything and that I have nothing to lose. I hope that I can succeed and I thank you for your message and it was also great seeing your daughter who is adorable, it seems like you are a genuinely sincere person.
Looking forward to the seminar, thanks again Karen

Starting at the beginning

llladyofspirit's picture

Hello Dean,

I am in a financial situation where it wasn't feasible to purchase any of the 3 packages you offered; I want you to know I was jazzed when I called in at 2 a.m. to reserve my 2 seats for me and my niece and never lost that emotion by the time we went to the seminar in Bend,Oregon. We sat down and requested a front seat, lol ,didn't want anyone blocking our view and wanted to hear everything! Well as the evening went on and people were asked to get the packets at the back of the room and the first 7 had a GREAT DEAL!!! I was up and their lol but I couldn't afford it but still excited just knowing one was for me, we talked about leases and same thing and I was one of the first to the tables again lol, again to expensive (but) this time I walked to the hall and cried because I knew this was the right time and the right place for me to go forward, so I got that out of my system and went back to my seat and listened about the last section on notes and let me tell you I was first to the table again and I had to make the decision to go forward because I didn't even have the $197.00, well I got the package and me and my husband have been listening to the Cd's and collecting cans to pay the bills I took from but you know I don't feel like I made a mistake I feel like one door closed and another will open and that teaspoon will become a backhoe and we will be just fine. I will feel better after the first one is done and it's been 30 days since seminar and still jazzed! working our way up. so look out world.... thanks for this chance to better ourselves.

Am I wrong ? DGfamily please help me see clearly what Dean taugh

DebraAnn's picture

Hi Dean,
Your daughter is sooo Cute!! I have really been thinking about this blog all weak. When I went to my face book page because I could not sleep I saw your blog and I clicked on like and left this message.

Your words are always encouraging especial this one. I have some decisions to make in the future on this topic and I pray I do not make the wrong one. I just pray I am strong enough to do what is right in God's eyes and right for my mental health, as this person so extremely unhealthy for me to be around, without feeling guilt.

The person I am speaking of is a real drama king or queen and guilt machine.

For the DGFamily only
It is not extended family but it is a sister or brother. I have distanced myself from this person as much as possible. I have never really had a relationship with them. I have only been forced in to a relationship with them by other family members.
The only relationship I have with them is because of my parents. But I have asked God permission to shake the dust off my feet from this person when I no longer have parents. As this person, doesn't want help and I have really tried to help them.

They just love playing the victim and hurts others in the process, however when confronted, puts wedges between other family members and just plays the victim at an even greater level, bringing destruction to the rest of the family and they don’t care what they are doing to destroy the family. This person finds great rewards within the family for playing the victim and hurting others in the process.

Dean I am so great full for you and your friend Philip Tirone coming into my life at this moment in time. God knew I needed your help. Because of this family member I may be disinherited having nothing to live on as jobs are so hard to find. Even though I am the one caring for my elderly parents. Between your Real Estate program and learning how to correctly use credit from Philip Tirone, I believe God is going to give me much more real estate wealth through your programs, if my parents chose to disinherit me for shaking the dust off my feet from a trauma drama king or queen in the family.

Inside I am so torn. As I want to honor God at the highest level possible. At the same time I want to live a healthy life and do God's work. If there is anyone in the dgfamily who would have some words of wisdom to share, who could help me, please send me a privet email through my link.

I must honor God at the highest level I can and at the same time I need to stay healthy so I can serve God at the greatest level I am capable of. I only have one stumbling block in my life and it is a major one. The major stumbling block in my life is the family member I have spoken about.

please forgive me for being so weak and sharing this story but I really need help.

If there is anyone in the dgfamily who has experienced this or can help me to the other side of this Gods way not mine, please help me. The hardest thing to watch is your parents health being destroyed every year by someone in your family who's trauma drama is more important than the life of your parents.

The reason this is so hard for me , I have been forced to watch this person behave for 25-30 years destroying the health of both parents through unbelievable stress,
( making everything they face over exaggerated at extremely unhealthy conditions for others sucked into that persons trauma drama) they just don’t care who they hurt as long as they get rewarded for harming others, with their trauma drama.

Is there any pastors or anyone in the dgfamily willing to email me and take my hand through this P.A.I.N.?

A (P)power (A)anointing (I)is (N)now
I chose to make this situation a Powerful Anointing instead of a

(P)powerful (A)abuse (I)is (N)now

I just need help to know how to get there.

I want to be a victor not a victim in this mess. I could be losing my parents any year or any moment and I don’t want to crash with extreme hatred and bitterness.I just want to shake the dust off my feet so when I lose my parents I can heal. I want to use this P.A.I.N. in the future, to help others who are hurting in the way I am hurting now.

All I can say is God is good and He will make a way when there is no way. Even in what seems to be a beyond challenging situation in my life at this moment in time. But it wont last forever, if I make the right choices now. Am I wrong in wanting shaking the dust off my feet? Is that a choice that will dishonor my God? How do we get over things like this in a way that honors God and protects our mental health?

Please keep me in your prayers and those who can please help me. I am sorry this is so long and I am so weak that I need to ask people of the same mind set to please help me, to make this P.A.I.N. an anointing and not an abuse in my life and the life of others.

Thank you to anyone who read this long message. I know this is just another step to a greater level of Ministry in my future, depending on how I handle it now and the choices I make at this moment in time.

A very good message Dean!

Hey, I did not get the Weekly Wisdom this past monday? Great message Dean! Keep the Wisdoms coming! I am starting to feel the need to make things happen. Just in the rut. I know R.E is the vehicle for me to make changes in my life. Just getting started is the HARDEST part!
Takc care Dean!

Thanks Dean

First I must say...Your daughter, Brianna (hope I spelled her name correctly), is soooo "Precious" & what she is doing to be a blessing to someone else is "Absolutely Awesome"!!!
Thanks again for the words of wisdom. Yes, I have heard about people being in our lives for a reason & season. I think the same holds true for jobs & other things in life that may be "good" but not really "the best" for us. I believe we should be constantly moving forward in life to reach our full potential & so, consequently, all things...our surroundings & some people in our lives cannot always remain the same. I also understand that the most important thing that we can give in our relationships is "our time". It is the only thing that cannot be replaced. So, hats off to you for giving your most valuable resource to your daughter...& for giving so much of yourself to help others succeed !!!
Thanks so very much, Dean !!!

Reason, Season & Lifetime People

Cocoon's picture

Thanks for the reminder, Dean! We need to hear something like this to put "people" in perspective for us. The negative people and the naysayers in my own RE Newbie World quest I try to minimize contact with and exposure to, during the past month. (Because it is unproductive and it will drain out the RE enthusiasm out of anyone!). And lately, I have learned how to focus on NOT listening to RE advice from people who are NOT qualified to give it. These are the "reason or season" type of people. Sometimes I even get the feeling that they just don't want me to succeed at this (hidden behind the notion and as much as they say that they just don't want to see me fail at this). BUT, I am forging ahead and each day I carve out the time to learn RE (I have been reading and re-reading your books!) and working on activities that would build my RE business using techniques taught in your books (those applicable to my city in TX) and visiting this website for my RE "encouragement" vitamins! Keeps me positive as I see how like-minded individuals help each other. Thank you, Dean, for keeping us all enthusiastic enough to take action!


"Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

" "zero" =o is the difference between Good and God"

Hello Dean! Your weekly 5 minutes are for me a perfect model of how wonderful can someone use his time!THANK YOU FOR SHARING your love with the world! God bless you,your family and anyone who spreads good things!

...Christian parents say: "in this world we can't grow our children alone, so we daily take God as our partner. He knows what we don't, and HIS love is unconditional".

I understood better myself and my family with the book "The 5 love languages of children" - by Ross Campbell and Gary Chapman

Parents's words have HUGE impact on children's personality, so, which are the words parents REPEAT to, or about their treasures?
Your daughter is so precious! the end of this 168 video I catched the idea: what is she going to do with your microphone?

All the people I met had messages for me. Some of their lessons are still not 100%clear for me, but I work on this. I like to believe as long as we accept love is an universal language (plants, animals get and give love messages) there is a chance for all of us to live a better life. (These weeks I had to send love to some enemies Smiling)

A blessed week for you and DG community!

some ideas

Hello Debra Ann!

I resonate to your suffering and I pray God that my suffering and the lessons I got this way will help you too deal with yours:

''Things change when we change the way we look at things", so, maybe THIS suffering is the CHANCE of your life!!!
Your chance to admit that this impossible person and you have the same God in heaven;
Your chance to admit that your life is not mainly about what other people are doing to you but what YOU ARE DOING TO YOURSELF! BEING "TORN OUT" as you wrote is not your best state, isn't it? I imagine you are a strong, brave woman! I imagine you will change the way you think and the way you feel with God's help. The very moment your heart and your mind will... vibrate in the same direction, peace will dwell inside you. So say as many times as you need to feel things are improving:
"please, help me God only love and truth rule my mind!
"please, help me God only love and truth rule my heart"
Much love from Europe!