Roxie M's blog

Reverse mortgages

Today's mission is to find out all I can about reverse mortgages. We have a lead on a property where the owner passed away and had a reverse mortgage. I need to figure out if we can buy it from the lender, and what the price would be. Every day is a new path. I have to wonder if I'll ever get to a point that leads don't require a mountain of research and learning. That day isn't today. Shocked)

Driving for deals

We hopped in the car yesterday armed with a camera, a notebook, a gps and went looking for the deals. Found a couple of properties that are vacant, and one open house. Met an agent we didn't know and have some things to research this week! Hopefully, those few hours will get us the biggest pay checks we've ever earned. In the meantime, back to getting the data ready for our next direct mailing.

It Worked

I just had a "have to tell someone kind of morning"! Since Dean's 30 Days book says post daily, the DG family seemed like the right people to tell. I've been putting up CL ads for weeks with little to no response. Last night I posted some new ones, and guess what? I had responses on ALL of them this morning! Got to go find more deals! Thanks for listening!

Is it or isn't it?

So much to learn and absorb! Exciting to be starting down such a foreign path and find out I can still learn! I would never have guessed I'd be doing this a year ago. The other big surprise is that after 6 months, I am really enjoying the process and the subject matter.

Still not too comfortable blogging or asking questions, but continue to step outside of my comfort zone - guess I am on the right track.

Back to my lessons!

Quick Cash options in northern CA

We have just returned from our first Buying Summit - which was incredible! We've been signed-up about 6 mos and have yet to find a deal where the numbers work. We are cash poor in a market that is already appreciating.

So far we've posted online ads in a variety of wordings; joined and attend three REIs regularly; been to the auction; tried to find partners that were willing to help with upfront cash for an equity share; done direct mailings to out of state owners; tried to find distressed owners....

Suggestions? We're willing to work for it and don't expect someone to do it for us. Just not sure where to go from here.

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