Some of the things I will write about in this blog are things that I found in my own personal and professional career to be helpful. Sometimes I will share advice that has been passed along to me by a mentor, teacher, professor, parent, relative, or author. I will provide credit and reference whenever I formally quote another person’s ideas.
KevinMA's blog
Avoid distractions - Stay the course
February 2nd, 2016 | posted by KevinMAFeb 2nd 2016
Caucuses, primaries, unseasonable weather, crashing stock markets, and more can all be ongoing distractions. Did you start a plan yet? Do you have resolutions for this year or do you have an actual plan? Create a plan for what you want to accomplish this year and stick to it. Take those resolutions and create a step by step plan for how you will achieve whatever it is and then take action. Every day another step can lead you to your goals, don’t let the daily new distractions keep you from accomplishing great things in 2016.
To our mutual success…
sharing info
January 26th, 2016 | posted by KevinMAIt's great to get information and training from Dean and Matt and other top students. I am also finding a wealth of information by participating in the forums on There really is a lot of information and experience to be gained from other fellow investors that are out there trying, doing and accomplishing great things.
Wishing you great success.
!!Kevin !!
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Powerball dreams didn’t work out? - Ok time to get to work
January 19th, 2016 | posted by KevinMASo okay, after last week’s Powerball that I didn’t win the Billion and a half dollars, and I’m guessing you didn’t either, I guess its time to get back to work.
What if we could just do some more deals to get the income level and net worth level up to that amount? Wouldn’t that be amazing?
Well, just like the Powerball jackpot didn’t get to 1.5Billion dollars overnight, it took months of millions of people buying tickets and no big payout. Neither is our income level or net worth. It takes time. And it takes consistent effort.
But the great thing about this business is that we can control our own income level. If you want to make more, then go do a few more deals.
I only hope these words are encouraging. I wish you all great success in 2016!
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small steps to success
January 12th, 2016 | posted by KevinMABig Success doesn't happen overnight. It really amounts to a bunch of small successes (and failures) along the way. when you fail, try and learn from it. Look at what went wrong but also what went right. How could you do it better next time.
Also I have been going through some of Dean's older Weekly Wisdom video's on this sight. There really is a wealth of information on here. and discussions. find a topic related to what you are doing and get advice from others.
I told my kids for years - If you can learn from your mistakes that's great. But if you can learn from other's mistakes - that's even better. I wanted to pass on to them to try and not make some of the same mistakes in life that their father (me) did
Best of luck all - talk to you soon - see you around the forums.