Francisco Alba's blog

I got my first Cash Buyer !

My database website got me my first client. It is someone
who wants to buy properties in the state of Califormia.

Linkedin Cash buyer list

Today I work on my cash buyer list. I added contacts from the social network Linkedin.

I am looking for Cash Buyers

Today I wanted to grow my cash buyer database. I explored the social network Linkedin.

My Investor Database

Today I created my investor database. NOw I can record my buyers information .

I am waiting to hear from Real Estate Agents

I called 5 real estate agent. I was not able to talk to them. They must be busy. I will continue to contact more real estate agents,

Contact Real Estate Agents

I am calling real estate agents. I want to buy properties. I am doing what I learn in Dean's book 30 day to real estate cash !

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