OK., so I'm on a budget and I'll be so glad to get my membership. I have every confidence that things will work out in the near future..and I'm ready to go full speed ahead with this brand new strategy in my life. compared to other programs that I could have invested in, this is still the best one. By other programs, I'm referring to places like "Institute for Integrative Nutrition" which costs $4000/US for an online certificate in Nutrition that would help me get some of the funding to start my own restaurant business. Next, is the total costs of $1500/US to go back to medical school and reinstate my Nursing license (Hated that!/Give me a break). and then there is the total crack-pot philosophy of continuing on in graduate school to get a master's degree in god knows what!
Oh Dean Graziosi, please, You've got to know that I am taking refuge in your system..I'm betting everything on my future as a real estate investor. And, since this is going to be my future I am going to work very hard for my success, with everybody, every thing, every program, everyone!
so, anyway Dean, you've stated to me in an earlier email that it is absolutely possible for someone like me to achieve this. So, thank you for that encouragment. I'm not backing down, I'm not going to listen to any nay sayers or give up..At this point, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. After November 3, 2013 my journey begins...I can hardly wait!
I'm purchasing my DG real estate success academy membership in November.
September 7th, 2013 | posted by thatgurl
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