Help In Iowa!

Hi, my name is Sheryl Marsden and I'm from Iowa. I have been looking for someone from Iowa to mentor me but seems like a closed circle here. Lost my job in 2009 and need to be bringing in money. I have always been interested in real estate but never seem to get off the ground. In November I went to a local county office (Linn)to get a list of tax sales and found they don't keep a list until you pay for them to make you one and then it's just trailers as the county atterny buys up all the houses before they go to tax sale, but I couldn't get that list as it's not avalible to the public (per the office people) so was stone walled to the max,I desperately need a person that knows the ropes to get around in the closed investment area that is Iowa. Went to a investers meeting (cost 20$ to get in) and couldn't get anyone to even say Hi to me let alone give me info of what they were looking for. So needless to say HELP!!!!! please! I want to be secessful in real estate. Sincerely Sheryl Marsden