Good evening Mr. Graziosi, my name is Sean Patrick Collins, born and raised in Phoenix, AZ. I grew up with my mom who was a single mother, and worked in construction. I grew up living in apartment complexes moving here and there, while my mom was living pay check to pay check. Always acknowledging that getting a house was to expensive and she was never going to be able to afford one. I grew up around her perception that the harder you worked the further you would get. My mother spent so much time working long hard hours, day in and day out. Taking away from the things that were most important to her like her son. I was always the last kid waiting for there parent to show up, the last one from the after school program to leave. I grew up with the principals that that is how life was. I was not taught the necessary principals to live a life of wealth and fulfillment. As I grew I was the most enthusiastic student, thinking out side box and always wanting to do things different because what I was being taught didn't seem right. I was involved with sports Football, and Baseball. I had a found love for sports It allowed me to channel my energy and frustration all in one activity. I am a natural born athlete, but I also found a keen interest in business. I joined F.B.L.A., took marketing classes, and was also vice president of D.E.C.A. I loved being around people, I love selling it brings a whole other side of me out. Being able to connect with another individual on a whole other level. I was involved in working in my school store, and loved it. My business teacher was also my baseball coach so I had an aspiration to learn while feeling comfortable as well. Now I allowed my self to diminish my self, calorizing my self with the unsuccessful class of people in school, the "stoner kids" I had all of the potential to do what ever it was I wanted to but surrounded my self with people that did not have the same aspirations as I did nor have the goals that I did. Thus I dropped to there level participating in smoking weed. I let it start to define me, I let it overcome me. Shortly after I was involved in an incident where I was brought by police to my school for doing something that I should not have. They handed me over to my principal. I had grew a mutual relationship with her as I did with most of my teachers that I respected/admired. It was then that I was confronted my her, the dean of the school, my football coach, and my baseball coach. all of them talked to me and confessed them selves to me letting me know that they can see that passion, that will to succeed, the desire, and want, but unless I stopped doing what I was currently doing, there was no road to freedom. It sunk in even further when my baseball coach informed me that on that same very day he was going to promote me to varsity. My emotions were felt through my whole being. I was suspended for 3 days my mother was infuriated beyond belief, and I was still right were I was in the beginning. Because everyone had told me what I would become if I didn't stop doing what I was doing but never helped me really get over my problem. The following year my mother moved me to another school, where I started all over new football coaches, teachers, it was a new start. everything that I knew and found comfortable with, had all changed. I got involved in DECA, football, and enjoyed my experience. I also made the best of it. My school grades were middle of the packed, I always seemed to do better in the classes that involved hands on work, or an enthusiastic teacher. To this point I had not set any goals for my self, I was never taught how to set goals. so I enrolled in the navy. Mostly because my childhood friend was too. I completed my Sr. year graduated all while working at Linins N Things. I then left for the navy in search for what I was supposed to do in life. I was flown to Chicago, ILL for boot camp, had my training there as well and then shortly after that, roughly 6 months later, I was being flown out to my ship, which was sailing some where in the gulf. My ships name was the LHA Tarawa. I soon explored foreign countries and met amazing people all over the world. From Amsterdam, to Bahrain, to Dubai, to Hobart, Australia, and Perth Australia, at the young age of 19. I grew to love the sea, how peaceful everything was and beautiful the sun sets were, and how many stars could be seen in the endless sky. Some times I would bring my guitar up to the top of the ship and sing in the wind, listing to the water as we sailed during the middle of the night. An amazing rejuvenating type of event. On our way home as things started to get comfortable our captain informed us that we were going to be decommissioned after we returned to our home port in San Diego. We did I now got orders to another ship in San Diego, the USS Nimitz. Which was about to go on a full deployment that I had just returned from. I took it in full and embraced it, looking at the good. I try to always see the inner beauty, and in fact a lot of times I would fail to see the negatives because I never even seen they were there. Another deployment and another opportunity to see the world. Now I am able see Singapore, Thailand, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Dubai, all at the age of 20. my world had changed I was able to see so many things that people could only imagine seeing. I loved to not plan anything when I was there, but in stead get lost and let faith guide me to where I was supposed to go. I meet so many people and saw so many things that normal people would never see. my mind always seemed to work differently. we returned to port of San Diego and now we were going to be there for a while. I began to loose my drive due to the people that I was around in my working environment and during the time in which I was in port my job was irrelevant so we had to make up things to do there for my brain was not expanding and there for I lost interest. I got involved smoking spice a synthetic drug for Marijuana. I did it again lost focus and ended up in the same situation except now there was no slap on the wrist. I was caught of course and now was being processed out of the navy on other than honorable discharge, for drug use. while being processed out I lost all care for the navy and its rules. I soon found out that It could get worse, because a couple of weeks before I was discharge I got my self sent to the brig. which was the ships jail. apart of there initiation is they break you down to think you are nothing to build you back up. you do what they say, and this last for about four to five hours. yelling screaming giving commands a process of complete degrading. I put my self into this mess only one person to blame. Now shortly before I had got into this mess of being discharged I was driving around getting lost in san diego and I stumbled upon what now is my beautiful wife, but then it was a stranger in another truck at a red light at 1030 at night who I asked to roll down her window to see if we could talk. she agreed. why? she doesn't know why she pulled of to the nearest church so I could speak to her! I invited my self to dance with her that night and she invited me to the Mexico game the next day. this was during the world cup in 2010. another thing that simultaneously happened was I was up late one night in my ship burthing flipping through the channels and I seen your infomercial playing. next couple nights passed and I seen it aging and again and again now either you were so darn popular or I was supposed to get started with your program and reading your books. I ordered. now I was discharged. went to AZ to help my mom move. there was nothing in AZ good for me, even though my whole family was there. It didn't feel right. I came back to SD no home no money no job and a big problem I had yet to stop spice. Laura my current wife the blessing that she is offer me to stay at her place, a person who had deleted my phone number 7 times prior. Her English was ok, but my Spanish was not any where as good as it is now, so from the start we had our language barrier. she did not know that I had a problem with spice and it affected us. she knew after a while and gave me a decision, stop it or loose me. I stopped, I did it. I got hired at a ice cream shop after being unemployed for 1 1/2 years. moved to another job with better opportunity, always keeping my mind open. looked into Primerica but decided after going to a couple seminars that it just wasn't my trigger. I had got ahold of some books by Donald trump, Robert Kiwosaki, the 80/20 principals, and your book Mr. Graziosi. I looked through them but wasn't committed. I then started working with water at knots soak city, then in the lumber dept. at home depot, then I was offered a job to be a manager of the same ice cream shop I had started at so I took it. then moved on to managed a sandwich shop named which wich. during this time I was working longer hours, I was away from my family, I had a son that was six months that was growing up seeing very little time with his father. It was then I saw my self at my young age, being the last kid picked up from school, that was not going to happen to my family. my wife is one strong woman and when she puts her mind to something she does it no looking back and no hesitations along the way. she is the go, I am the thinker. so this year she said Sean I want you to quit your job and I am going to quit my job and we are going to start our own business bringing fruit salads around our area. so we did we both gave our two weeks,it was about Laura my two step children Marco 15, Angel 10, Sean Paul 1, my baby girl on the way Lluvia bella and my self. so this past four months my wife and I have been home with our boys, making our salads and selling them doing good for a business just starting out. Winter time business started slowing down and my wife is soon to expect any day now in fact. she was watching the tv and seen one of your adds on the tv that said free event, so we called signed up and went. we were offered your training and Laura and I had a little more then 2000 from our fruit business in our account but I am not thinking that we are going to get it but, my wife felt what I felt when I first ordered your books "which I read once and am on my second round through". she felt the same energy and she knows that I have the same type energy. So we both decided to do it to join the course and make it happen. So after I received your starter kit given to us I was non stop, listened to the audio, read through the first two books and am on the third. I now just completed your first day of training with the wonderful, intelligent, and enthusiastic teacher MR. Edwards. It would only make sense that you would have him teaching your classes, because he brings similar energy. I am so excited to complete the rest of this training because as I am learning in order to accomplish what I want to. I must start changing my thoughts, my words, and my actions. the only way to be the best is to learn from the best and the only way to be the best is to work less. some things I learned today. I live in a trailer home with my growing family, not only do I want to grow my wealth but I want to allow my children to have there own rooms and be able to have there own back yard and have a big kitchen so I can cook in I love cooking. I have drive and I have a purpose and I know that I can succeed . thank you so much for your time Mr. Graziosi I look forward to growing together for the better in the future. see you soon and talk to you even sooner
Mr. Sean Patrick Collins
November 23rd, 2013 | posted by SeanCollinsSanD...
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