Please excuse my brashness but the ONE thing that I have noticed on this ride to financial freedom is that IT AIN’T EASY…so please DON’T GET IT TWISTED!!!
You will have to work. Yes, work is inevitable, but, the difference is you’re busting your tail for YOU…or your family or whatever it is that has caused you to make this life altering decision to be your own boss…and in the end…YOU reap the fruits of your labor.
So with that said…
What are you willing to do? I mean, you say you want financial freedom, but in this real world that we live in, freedom is not free. There are things that you must be willing to do or to give up if you truly want to be free. You may have to put in extra hours studying your trade and applying what you have learned. You may have to watch less TV and watch more training videos. You may have to shoot the breeze less with old friends and converse more with NEW people about your business (in some cases, about theirs). You may have to get less sleep and stay up more, analyzing data to make sure your marketing campaigns are working. You may have to spend less time socializing on social networks and spend more time networking on social networks. Yeah, a lot of shifts will have to be made. You WILL absolutely, have to come out of your comfort zone, because what you have been doing up to this moment has gotten you exactly where you are at this moment…
So now what? You know where you want be. What are you willing to sacrifice to get there?
The crazy thing about this is, sacrificing should not be difficult because you have been making sacrifices the whole time, but you have been sacrificing the wrong things, and for the wrong reasons. You have been sacrificing YOUR time, the time that could have been spending with your significant other, so someone else can have that time to spend with theirs; time that you should’ve been going to your child’s recital or holiday celebration but you couldn’t, so someone else could make it to make to theirs; time that you and your family should have been together but couldn’t be, yet, someone else was going on vacation with theirs. You have already been sacrificing for someone else’s prosperity, it’s time to make a significant shift and sacrifice for yours.
There will be some bumps and bruises along the way, even times when you become doubtful, but keep focused on the reason(s) you needed to shift in the first place. Work should be expected, but in the long run the work will pay off.
You may be asking “who is this guy to tell me what sacrifices I need to make.” Trust me when i tell I’m on your side, these are things that I have been telling myself. In fact, this was written for the readers of this post, but not as much as it was written for me. You can say that this is a ‘wake-up post’ to myself, acknowledging that I have been slipping and that I need to get my act together…and quickly. we need to break free from old habits in order to be successful in any endeavors. Financial freedom is possible, but, you ‘gotta’ work for it and if you think any differently, you got it twisted.